Valentino Media

Inspirational Content


Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance

2022 Red, White, and Blues Pensacola Beach Airshow with Gene Valentino and his ICON A5 ✈️

Before we get started, some food for thought.

Community Leader Michael Jones Invites Gene to Speak Spontaneously at a Neighborhood Gathering

Robin Williams as the American Flag

Patriotic Testament to “Old Glory”

News & Media Appearances

Mike Ryan @ TNT Interviews Gene Valentino ~

Mike Ryan @ TNT Interviews Gene Valentino ~

Mike Ryan @ TNT Interviews Gene Valentino ~ Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation Assassination attempt on Donald Trump is unprecedented. Mike Ryan interviews Gene Valentino about Kimberly Cheatle, Director of the Secret Service, dropped the ball! She was at a...

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Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect!

Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect!

Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect! Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation To prop up an elderly man with dementia as the front man to lead this nation is on face an insult to this nation perpetrated by the Democrat Party. If Joe Biden makes it to a June 27...

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WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. BRAVO TO CONGRESSMAN MATT GAETZ! Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation Bravo to Congressman Matt Gaetz for taking on liar Merrick Garland. Attorney General...

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WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now.UNJUST JUSTICE ~ NO CRIME ~ NO EVIDENCE Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation The citizens are paying for the outrageous "lawfare" from the likes of Alvin Bragg,...

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WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. DONALD TRUMP IS THE STRONGEST MAN I’VE EVER MET! Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation Donald Trump held his head high and withstood the selective/criminal...

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UN-Equal Justice Under Lawfare!

UN-Equal Justice Under Lawfare!

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. UN-Equal Justice Under Lawfare! Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation. Trump trial and Wildwood, New Jersey...BOTH SUCCESSES FOR TRUMP in the same week!. On the...

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Something Less Obvious & More Pervasive Is Happening!

Something Less Obvious & More Pervasive Is Happening!

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. Something Less Obvious & More Pervasive Is Happening! Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation 'AI' taking us into regions we have not have delved into before....

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Stop Government Intimidation!

Stop Government Intimidation!

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. Stop Government Intimidation! Gene Valentino on TNT's State of the Nation Roger Stone, a true historian who has face-to-face firsthand knowledge of U.S. Presidents...

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Mental Capacity ~ Will Biden Go Free? – Bad Behavior Again!

Mental Capacity ~ Will Biden Go Free? – Bad Behavior Again!

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. Mental Capacity ~ Will Biden Go Free? - Bad Behavior Again! Joe Biden's Special Prosecutor Robert Hur, claims he will not go after the President due to his mental...

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The Fall of the Democrat Party is Pending

The Fall of the Democrat Party is Pending

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. The Fall of the Democrat Party is Pending We are seeing two tiers of political candidate selection in plain view. A desperately needed constitutional amendment to get...

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Wake Up America! ~ Sleeper Cells Are All Around Us!

Wake Up America! ~ Sleeper Cells Are All Around Us!

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. Wake Up America! ~ Sleeper Cells Are All Around Us! | Gene Valentino with Steve Hook and Bryan McClain | TNT Radio Live The fear now is the hostile threat and takeover...

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Gene Valentino On NEWSMAX ~ More Ukraine Funding!?

Gene Valentino On NEWSMAX ~ More Ukraine Funding!?

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button in the Player Below 👇 to start watching the interview now. LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button in the Player Below 👇 to start listening the Podcast now. Gene Valentino On NEWSMAX ~ More Ukraine Funding!? TOPIC:...

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Gene Valentino on the State of the Nation with Steve Hook

Gene Valentino on the State of the Nation with Steve Hook

WATCH THE INTERVIEW! Click the ▶️ button on the Player Above ☝️ to start watching the interview now. Gene Valentino on TNT Radio Live ~ Gene Valentino on the State of the Nation with Steve Hook On today's show, Gene Valentino discusses the State of the Nation and the...

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House Speaker Saga – Gene with Nicholas Craig ~ WAAV Radio

House Speaker Saga – Gene with Nicholas Craig ~ WAAV Radio

LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW NOW! Click the ▶️ button in the Player Below 👇 to start listening the Podcast.House Speaker Saga - Gene with Nicholas Craig ~ WAAV Radio - Wilmington, NC Gene is interviewed by Nicholas Craig on Wilmington’s Morning News.  House Speaker saga...

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TNT RADIO LIVE with Steve Hook & Gene Valentino

TNT RADIO LIVE with Steve Hook & Gene Valentino

PLEASE NOTE: The TNT RADIO LIVE interview segment with Gene starts at time marker 19:22. Enjoy!     TNT RADIO LIVE Episode Overview Steve and Gene discuss DeSantis and Florida politics as it relates to Donald Trump.  The false narratives against Donald Trump have...

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The Government Should Have No Control Over Children

The Government Should Have No Control Over Children

In Today's Podcast Episode we bring on former politician, conservative and avid fan of planes Gene Valentino. This podcast features the first official episode of the rebrand for the Purple Political Podcast. We dive into a staple ideology of the pod itself focusing on...

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The Future of America with Gene Valentino

The Future of America with Gene Valentino

CLICK PLAY ▶️ BELOW TO WATCH INTERVIEW NOW Original Content Source Link "America is the oldest governing entity in the world, not because we get it right all the time, but because we constantly fix our failures.  The system allows us to fail and to correct itself...

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Gene Valentino | Election 2020, COVID-19, & the 28th Amendment

Gene Valentino | Election 2020, COVID-19, & the 28th Amendment

As seen on the Remarkable People Podcast, Season 2 Episode 42! So what happens when Gene Valentino and David Pasqualone get together to discuss private business? A public podcast is born!  Check out this Remarkable episode where our friend and political expert, Gene...

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Gene M. Valentino | Seizing Opportunity, Adversity, & Triumph

Gene M. Valentino | Seizing Opportunity, Adversity, & Triumph

Gene M. Valentino | Seizing Opportunity, Adversity, & Triumph | The Remarkable People Podcast Season 1 Episode 4 Did you hear the one about the teenage boy who gave up his scholarship to Syracuse to stay home and help raise his siblings, then later funded his way...

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For more information about making the world a better place and hearing remarkable stories that will not only inspire you, but help you learn to change, click this link to see what else is in the news and to check out one of Gene’s favorite podcasts now!

Gene Valentino In The News

In the News is a generic term, but here at, we take the news seriously. We're not just talking about reading the news and commentating on it, but making the news in order to help change this world for the better everyday.

Gene Valentino Political Commentator and American Patriot

"Gene Valentino: the 'Velvet Hammer'. Comes across as such a nice guy, so polite and soft-spoken, but his words pack a wallop!"

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