Gene’s 2nd Bill of Rights: The 11 “Amendments of Accountability” | Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America
The “Amendments of Accountability”
These 11 Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America are to be known as America’s Second Bill of Rights.
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The Constitution of the United States is a document written to protect the people from overreaching government power and to unite the people, based on respect for individual Liberty and Freedom. It presumes that our government governs best “…of, by and for the people,” in a decentralized “ground up” republic. Our Constitution dilutes the concentration of power in any one institution. This includes the unelected bureaucratic administrators.
The people of the United States of America realize the Founding Fathers could never have foreseen elements of modern technology like ‘artificial intelligence’, electronic currency, a space program, a world of instantaneous communication and high-speed travel that facilitate the extreme centralization of power in key areas of our national infrastructure.
These principles which are imbued in our American Constitutional Republic were the ramifications of our resistance from a centralized British Monarchy that attempted to control from abroad our American sovereignty and governance. The resulting American rebellion, known as the American Revolution, intended to prevent the ‘select few’ in autocratic forms of government from controlling the way of life for the many.
Today, America and these principles are being challenged from within our own borders. America must correct the operations of government, NOT its principles, with less bureaucracy to protect the freedoms and liberties of all legal citizens, from circumstances our Founding Fathers did not foresee. This is an abuse of government from within, and the invasion of the nation from outside its borders. The consequence now is the development of too much centralized power.
These Amendments of Accountability are now needed to protect this Nation from its governing leaders and administrative bureaucrats who, intentionally or otherwise, attempt to garner personal gain at the expense of our Nation’s greater good. These Amendments intend to recalibrate the ‘balance of powers’ intended by our Nation’s Founders.
Without a rebellion, this recalibration may justify this “Second Bill of Rights” for which “Accountability” is needed in the many new and unforeseen ways of American life. Therefore, we propose these 11 new Amendments to the Constitution, this “Second Bill of Rights”. This shall be referred to as the Amendments of Accountability for the United States of America.
1. Citizenship Accountability
a) Naturalized Citizen: A person born in the United States is one that was born in any of the states of this nation or its American Territories if said person has at least one parent that is an American Citizen. This person is required to take a certified course in American history (or the equivalent) before the voting age of 18.
b) Nothing in this Amendment shall guarantee citizenship to a person born within the territorial borders of the United States whose parent or parents are not citizens.
c) Persons born to persons who illegally or legally entered United States after January 1, 2000, shall not be counted as citizens unless they undergo the standard naturalization process.
d) NON-Naturalized Citizen: A Non-Naturalized citizen of the United States is one that was not born in the United States or its American Territories.
e) Congress shall define the naturalization process which shall underwrite the quality and quantity of immigrants that are allowed to apply for citizenship to the United States of America. The underwriting criteria for citizenship application and acceptance will be within an annually quantified cap or limit within the budget process, as defined by Congress. Additional applications in addition to the cap or limit will not be considered, unless authorized by the President, for citizenship. A subcommittee would:
i) Establish criteria for the application process, the review and acceptability. No individual from a nation hostile to the United States is allowed to apply for citizenship, unless the individual is seeking asylum and presents material evidence for the need for protection from his/her hostile nation.
ii) Criteria for the application and acceptance process shall be weighed based the following factors and not limited to: criminal record, skills, education, financial standing and capability, and one’s ability to contribute to the wellbeing of the community and nation.
f) How the Non-Naturalized Citizen Becomes a Citizen:
i) A child born abroad whose parents are American citizens is a child that is immediately a citizen. This includes employees of the United States Government working abroad.
ii) For the Immigrant/Individual, there is no valid ‘asylum defense’ that can be used unless the defense is ‘material’. The individual would have to show proof that their life was in danger or that America was in danger from the same threat.
iii) The immigrant/individual can be sponsored by an American Citizen for two-year terms. This immigrant could include his/her spouse and/or children. The American Citizen sponsoring the immigrant is responsible for the care and well-being of the immigrant, NOT the government.
iv) The immigrant/individual, the spouse and/or children are required to become American Citizens within 2 years. Otherwise, the sponsoring American Citizen is responsible to return the immigrant/individual, the spouse and/or children to their homeland.
v) The sponsoring American Citizen is responsible to have the immigrant/individual, the spouse and/or children complete an American History course and a language course in English.
vi) The American Citizen can then sponsor the qualified immigrant/individual and present the immigrant to INS for citizenship.
vii) A foreign driver’s license is acceptable solely for the purpose of driving an automobile. Once the immigrant/individual secures American Citizenship, he/she can secure an American DRIVER’S LICENSE. The immigrant/individual, the spouse and/or children are no longer under the care, custody and control of the sponsor.
viii) The new American Citizen, with American driver’s license, may apply through the local Supervisor of Elections office for a voter’s card and secure his/her right to vote, as tax-paying American Citizens. This person may also apply for a Social Security card at that time.
ix) The American Citizen sponsoring the Immigrant may enjoy IRS 1040 tax credits for the proven care of immigrants in his/her custody and control.
x) As allowed by law, the immigrant/individual, the spouse and/or children of age may voluntarily join any of the American Armed forces for a period of no less than 4 years of service. Once this volunteer completes a military-sponsored course in American History and is functional in writing and speaking the English language, he/she will become a citizen of the United States of America. He/she can immediately secure a Social Security card, and driver’s license.
g) An ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT is to be considered a TERRORIST when on American soil and territories and who is illegally in possession and/or transporting Class 1 Drugs or weapons into the United States and territories or, is on the National Terrorist Watchlist. This TERRORIST is subject to detainment and prosecution if material and indisputable evidence shows that this terrorist was:
i) complicit in past crimes against America,
ii) is currently involved in crimes against American or,
iii) is planning a criminal attack against America.
h) An ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT that is trespassing into America, its 50 states and territories, with no asylum defense, is subject to the following penalties:
i) First Offense: One week in jail then deported, after gathering data from the offender.
ii) Second Offense: 6-months in prison for purposes of interrogation or longer if necessary, then deported.
iii) Third Offense: Subject to court-ordered prison.
2. Citizenship Voting Accountability
a) Only a “legal” citizen of the United States is allowed to vote. A temporary resident or visitor to the United States is not a citizen, and therefore not qualified or qualifiable to vote.
b) A citizen’s right to vote is linked directly to the voter’s card, which is inextricably linked to the driver’s license. IF a citizen is not able to secure a driver’s license, then it is up to the local Supervisor of Elections to issue a voter’s card to a citizen based on credible proof of citizenship from INS, a Social Security Card, or tax return. Showing proof of at least one year of residency is sufficient proof.
c) The Voting Process:
i) Congress shall establish a voting holiday for one day of voting. The day of any election in the USA and its territories is the ONLY DAY in which the voter is to cast a hard copy paper ballot.
ii) The Governor and/or Supervisors of Elections may request the State National Guard to assist in the supervision, accuracy, and timeliness of the voting process, including the timely count and tally of the final vote.
iii) Voting ballots that are mailed out by government offices is forbidden.
iv) Ballot ‘Drop Boxes’ are forbidden.
v) Exceptions:
(1) An ‘Advance Authorization’, signed by a doctor, allows the Supervisor of Elections to send via certified mail (return receipt requested), a ballot to the sick, debilitated, ailing voter, a ballot that would require that the ballot was completed in the presence of a guardian witness. The witness would sign the outside of the return envelope containing the completed ballot. If the ballot was not received at the Supervisor of Elections office by mail on or before election day, then the voter or the guardian witness may physically deliver the ballot to the Supervisor of Elections office on or before election day. Ballots received after the voting stations close on election day, are null and void.
(2) All military armed service forces and related foreign security agencies located abroad may continue to vote by mail or through the military sanctioned courier service. Such ballots must be received at the Supervisor of Elections office before polls close on election day.
(3) Subject to the approval of the local Supervisor of Elections, voting citizens traveling abroad with special circumstances may request a ballot from the Supervisor of Elections. The ballot can be sent to a specific location in advance by mail so as to allow the citizen to vote from a remote location. The ballot must be received at the Supervisor of Elections office before polls close on election day. A signed witness signature on the envelope is required.
3. The Supreme Magistrates
a) Governing Authority: The Supreme Magistrates are to autonomously operate within the Justice Department and are subordinated only to the Supreme Court of the United States. While they are not a separate branch of government, they are an independent, objective, non-partisan oversight of all officials of government and report only to the citizens of the United States of America. They are NOT appointed by any elected official and stand apart in their authority. They are NOT to be considered bureaucrats or another layer of government bureaucracy. They oversee and police the efficacy of the elected officials, appointed officials and staff related thereto. They are not operating government. They manage bad behavior, ethics, conflicts of interest and wrongdoing within government.
b) The Supreme Court of the United States is the only recourse for actions of the Supreme Magistrates.
c) Purpose: The Supreme Magistrates are intended to provide an IMMEDIATE removal from office of any elected official and to impose civil and/or criminal penalties commensurate thereto.
d) Duties: With material factual evidence, the Magistrates are authorized to impose a direct and immediate impeachment process of their own, and have the authority to remove, any elected official from their office within the United States Government. This includes and is not limited to the President, Vice President, members of Congress, Officers of the Court, Officer of the FBI, Federal, State, and County District Attorneys, and/or Prosecutors.
e) Authority: The Magistrates will impose penalties, sanctions and/or similar remedies for the illegal acts by any transgressors and serve out a penalty of equal felony weight and proportion. The accused, elected transgressor shall never be able to hold elected office again and shall not be allowed to serve as a lobbyist, advocate or promoter of any business purpose aligned with the cause of his illegal act(s).
f) How Chosen: A Special Magistrate is a person elected directly by the Citizens of the United States of America, without regard to political party affiliation. This person is NOT appointed by any elected official and stands apart in their authority. They are NOT to be considered bureaucrats or another layer of government bureaucracy. This person holds one of the three seats which is open for election every 6 years. The number of seats may change only by amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Each of the three Magistrates is to be elected in rotation every 2 years.
g) Initial Term of Service: Since all three Supreme Magistrates are needed upon inception, one of the three will serve 6 years, one of three will serve 8 years, and one of three will serve 10 years. Every Magistrate thereafter serves 6 years in a rotation, each different from the other two. The Convention of States shall offer to the federal ballot 6 candidates, chosen by said Convention through a non-partisan nominating process. Each candidate may campaign for said position through the existing national election process. The source of campaign funding for each candidate shall come solely from the contributions paid by the citizens on their tax return and/or from the United States Treasury. No campaign financing is allowed from private interests.
h) The Convention of States, in its sole discretion, may recommend a candidate campaign budget, and a compensation package, subject to the budget approval process of the United States Congress.
4. The United States Border
a) Any individual, agency of government, or Congress itself shall not restrict the President’s administrative right to protect the American border and this Nation’s sovereignty.
b) The President shall protect the citizens of this nation by protecting and securing the border from any form of foreign invasion, trespass, or encroachment. To do otherwise is grounds for immediate impeachment by the Supreme Magistrates. The President would be subject to immediate removal from office and would be subject to civil and/or criminal penalty as adjudicated by the Supreme Magistrates.
5. Acquisition of Additional States
When in the best interests of the United States, the President, in cooperation with Congress, shall acquire other nations of the world. The sovereignty of the acquired nation shall become a new state within the United States and shall be done through a mutually agreed acquisition strategy.
6. The United States Congress
No appointments on sub-committees of the United States Congress House of Representative and or Senate shall have less than one-third minority party representation on any sub-committee. The majority leadership shall seek nominees from the minority leadership to fill the minimum of one-third of said minority positions.
7. Education
a) The Federal Department of Education (DOE) shall enforce the principle that no student in this nation shall be distracted from the primary educational disciplines of reading, writing, history, mathematics, and science. The federal funding to public schools shall be based on the effective administration of this principle. It is the role of the family to respect and enforce this from home as well. This principle implies that all individuals are to respect the preemptive right of all students to a fair and equitable education, without distraction. Therefore, the DOE shall establish:
i) Penalties for the training, teaching, demonstration, or implementation of gender identity alternatives, whether by teachers, administration and staff or, by students. The exhibition of gender transformation alternatives is therefore a distraction from historic norms and forbidden. The public school system is not a gender experimentation and identification playground.
ii) The Federal Government shall NOT allow for the forgiveness of any student educational debt.
iii) Private school endowments may be used to forgive student educational debt.
b) The PRIVATE SCHOOL SYSTEM: A taxpayer and custodian of a public-school student is allowed to receive a tax credit if said student is the taxpayer’s child and in the taxpayer’s custody. Through the state and local budget process, and tax collection system, the annual cost for the student’s public education shall be defined and identified. The tax-paying parent or custodian shall enjoy a direct reduction in local taxes associated with the child/student’s education. A reduction in the parent’s federal tax shall be formulaically established and considered supplemental to the tax credit that shall first apply against that portion of the local property taxes funding education. Said student must be confirmed to be receiving a qualified education from certified, credentialed alternative private school.
8. The United States Federal Budget
To protect the citizens of the United States from reckless spending, financial mismanagement, inflation, and to promote confidence in the financial markets, the banking system, the economy, and a reduction in debt, it is proposed:
a) Three months prior to the next fiscal year of the United States, a BALANCED financial budget will be conclusively established and voted upon by a majority of the House of Representatives and Senate. This means that an accurate measure of real income and expenditures to the federal budget is required. No budget extensions or continuing resolutions are allowed.
b) As was intended by the Constitution of the United States, the President of the United States, The Vice President of the United States, and all elected officials of the United States Congress will be denied any form of compensation for their elected employment IF said budget is not established and formally approved by both houses of Congress and the President of the United States.
c) If there is no established budget that has been approved of three months prior to start of the next fiscal year, then there is NO REIMBURSEMENT for any government employment compensation lost once the budget is approved and enacted. Furthermore, it becomes a felony crime for any elected body or individual(s) within the body, when by their actions, force a delay in the budget adoption.
d) The President has no line-item veto rights. The President accepts or vetoes the budget in its entirety.
e) All classified budget information must be reported to the President, Vice President, majority and minority leaders of the House and ranking Senate and majority and minority members of the House and Senate Intelligence and Budget committees, before its approval by the full Congress.
f) The Supreme Magistrates may penalize the Budget and Finance Committee, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and personnel related thereto, for budget delays, malfeasance, misfeasance, or misappropriation.
g) The OMB is responsible for the chart of accounts, the timing for the dissemination of the proposed budget, the legitimacy of budget line items, oversight with review authority of sub-divisions/departments of government, and the management of the budget for Congress to approve of within the timeline required. The absence of a budget item causes that item not to be funded until the next fiscal year’s budget process.
h) Transferring budget value from one account category to another is not allowed.
i) “Zero Based Budgeting” and “Encumbered Accounting” is required. Any unused (unspent) value in an established budget is to be applied (rolled over) to the next fiscal year. “Use it or lose it” spending is not allowed.
9. “Conflict Clause” for Elected Members and Congress
a) While elected, and serving:
i) No elected official may vote on legislation involving any company or enterprise if said official has a financial interest in said company or enterprise. This elected official may not use his/her knowledge on such a vote as a way of extending or transferring such knowledge to a family member or intentionally to any other 3rd party. Doing so would result in the immediate expulsion from said elected office. The Governor will appoint a temporary replacement to serve said position until the next election.
b) While retired and after the Official’s term of service:
i) For a period of 5 years after leaving his/her last elected position, no elected member of Congress shall be employed directly or indirectly in the private sector by a business entity, that intends to lobby or solicit Congress for business, directly or indirectly.
ii) Any breach of this restriction will result in a $25,000 fine and a minimum of 5 years in prison, with no early release provision.
10. Free Speech
a) In civil lawsuits seeking damages for slander and libel, claimants are not required to prove malicious intent in cases of false expression.
11. The Supreme Court of the United States
a) There shall not be more than or less than NINE JUSTICES to the Supreme Court of the United States of America.
b) Any attempt to influence a Justice outside the formal proceedings of the courtroom is punishable by no less than 5 years in prison.
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