Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect!
Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation
To prop up an elderly man with dementia as the front man to lead this nation is on face an insult to this nation perpetrated by the Democrat Party. If Joe Biden makes it to a June 27 debate, while the Dems know that they have the same guy orchestrating a cabal of people to imprison Trump, IS CRIMINAL! Wake Up America! The Democrat Party will fail by November. The extreme Democrats have amplified, and embellished the select few at the expense of the many. Who do you want running your country, the leader funded by millions of people contributing $40 each or a dozen elitists in California contributing millions of dollars and controlling the president once elected? Idea; instead of 80,000+ new IRS agents shaking us down further, how about a few hundred magistrates going after bad actors in the administration, legislature, and judiciary!?
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“Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect!”
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Timothy Shea: And back with us for another episode of GVTV is the great Gene Valentino. You can check him out online. At GeneValentino.com and check out the [00:01:00] TruthCast podcast as well.
Welcome back, Gene.
Gene Valentino: TV. I kind of like that. That sounds good. Isn’t that good? You can take that for free, my friend. I’ll take it for free this time. Oh boy. I, I am so, I’ve enjoyed listening to your show and, uh, I can’t, I can’t for the life of me understand how this Democrat party Has any sense of civility or humanity anymore?
I tried and for years to give this whole two party system the benefit of the doubt. But to put an elderly man up for re election, who’s lost his continence, who’s lost his cognition, where it’s clear evidence that dementia is setting in, and you’re going to tell me to prop this poor guy up? And as a way of, [00:02:00] uh, being the front man for personal gain by complicit conspirators within different self-controlled agencies.
You mentioned Timothy, the NGOs, you got that right? So is focusing on those NGOs and he’s gonna need Biden in place to keep the funding going in those NGOs too, if not funded by, by the United States. We have reached a point where if Joe Biden makes it to an election, I should say, excuse me, to a June 27th debate, it’ll be a miracle.
But if he does, I do not, I can’t, in my wildest dream, Think of how the Democrat party could prop this guy up and hang their hat with stories about Donald Trump being such a convicted felon, or they’re going to come after Trump on the [00:03:00] felony stuff. And the problem I have, guys, is that underneath their noses is the conspiracy that these charges, these guilty charges against him, were fostered from court systems, prosecutors, and district attorneys.
That were funded by George Shores, going through a revolving door at the White House under a guy by the name of Joe Biden and his cabal over there is for, is prima facia. In your face, evidence that the justice of this nation has been compromised, and what bothers me, foreign, abroad nations are saying, what the hell’s going on with Biden, but what the heck is going on with the system behind Biden?
I need to take a breath.
Brian McClain: Yeah, yeah, that prima facie of aspect, Gene. I’ve been thinking about that all week. You know, last Thursday, [00:04:00] we took a deep dive looking at, uh, Sarah Adams, former CIA and, and her revelations about how, how this Taliban pullout actually works financially for this country. And, you know, bless her for, for giving that information to the wider internet public.
But at the same time, the most shocking thing is exactly what you just said. That in your face sort of aspect of all this now is like, yeah, yeah. We left billions of dollars worth of stuff there. Yeah. We basically, uh, you know, bailed out of a war that went, you know, long enough to be old enough to drink alcohol.
Yeah, we lost all kind of people there, and yeah, we’re paying the families of the people that were killed there and not the families of the people we lost here, uh, I could go on and on, it’s like every little topic that seems so salacious, Is in your face and it’s in your face on purpose and is tailor made for people on the right and people on the left to have them both so upset.
Gene Valentino: [00:05:00] Hey Brian, hey Brian, what’s your problem? Oh, employment is up, wages and cost of living is coming down, inflation is coming back down. As compared to what? Was it a 1. 70 a gallon last week? It was a dollar 70 a gallon under the Trump administration. Was it a dollar 70 a gallon last week? Point one, 0.2.
Inflation’s come down a little It, it’s the Overton window. I just heard you said. Well, the inflation’s at down here at 2%, which is normal for many economists. Point of view of view. It ramps up to nine to 12% and they’re bragging ’cause they brought it down to 9% or 7%. Is that, is that a savings since the Trump administration?
Oh, but how about, how about more minorities being hired than ever before? Hello? Those [00:06:00] minorities are illegal minorities. They’re Latinos and they’re Blacks coming through the southern border. And the real American citizen, a Black person, a Latino, now says, hey, wait a minute. Hey, wait a minute. My family went through the process legally to be a, uh, a glorious American citizen, and I got these, you know, what’s from, you know, where coming over the Southern border illegally and taking my job, wake up America.
We are now at the point where we must react. And if by chance, Joe Biden makes it to the election. In November, I think the answer’s clear. My fear, my expectation is he won’t even make it to the debate because the Democrats were strategizing to boast about Donald Trump the felon at this point right now.
They didn’t, [00:07:00] the Democrats didn’t expect his poll numbers to skyrocket, his checking account on the campaign to go through the roof. How is that not a message to the Democrat Party? I submit once and they also didn’t
Timothy Shea: expect him to say yes to CNN debate when the rules favored Joe Biden. With no conditions, you’re right.
He called their bluff. They put forward a debate proposal that they thought that he was going to reject and he said sure. And now they don’t know what to do. I saw a great meme this week. Gene, it was, or just today, somebody took Barack Obama leading Joe by the hand and then tried to pat him on the back to make it look like he wasn’t leading him by the hand, and they put it to the Visiting Angels soundtrack, the ad, and it was just a beautiful thing.
These people are in big trouble and they know it. The
Gene Valentino: Democrat Party has or will fail in an unprecedented [00:08:00] way between now and November. And I do believe and have faith in a two party system, but not this Democrat Party. They have allowed an extremist group to take hold of some of the policy decision making, which amplified and protected and, uh, and embellished the select few at the expense of the many.
And here’s Donald Trump, on the other hand, in the hood, getting the black vote and the Latino vote, while Joe is under the hood with a few elitists raising a few million bucks in California. The hundred plus million dollars that, uh, Trump raised crashed a server because average Joes like you and me were coming up between 20 and 40 bucks to contribute to his campaign.
Now, who do you want? Influencing you. Millions of 20 to 40 voters or a [00:09:00] select few in California that have got hundreds of millions of dollars controlling your campaign and your decision making once you get into office. And they’re not just losing
Timothy Shea: the regular citizens, they’re losing former Democrat Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick.
There you go. There you go. They’re even about to lose Fetterman,
Brian McClain: it sounds like. Even Fetterman sounds like, uh, Gene, normally we’d have to stop right now, but we’ve got a couple more minutes. We’re still waiting on our next guest, but even Fetterman! Is like, I don’t think I want to be a liberal anymore.
It’s like that guy is a, is a paper cutout, like a complete tool of whatever puppet master runs this system. And even he’s like, okay, guys, it reminds me of that Babylon B clip you played last week, Timothy. It’s like the devil himself has come down and said, um,
Timothy Shea: No, here’s the thing. I don’t think they expected him to recover from his brain tumor.
He’s now regained his cognitive function, and I don’t think they expected that.
Gene Valentino: Hey, kudos, kudos to [00:10:00] Fetterman. I don’t care what he’s wearing, but he sure, he, he’s making a lot of sense lately, gentlemen. And, um, uh, I think that as a comparison, look how he, we thought he was crazy and way out there. Look what the, uh, squad has done to redefine crazy in the Democrat Party.
This is off the charts and that’s back to my first point. I predict a major transformation or elimination of the Democrat party as we know it today, or have known it since its early inception. And I think we’re going to see more sound conservative. Moderate, middle of the road, even the Supreme Court just recently, uh, surprised, um, surprised, uh, uh, the Biden administration again, so the Supreme Court can’t be any good by, um, uh, overturning, uh, a deportation law.
On Friday, the U. S. Supreme Court upheld a law [00:11:00] that was established by Congress requiring the deportation of foreign nationals who illegally entered this country. It’s a big blow to Joe Biden at the worst possible time. Hey, I got an idea. Instead of 80, 000 new IRS tax agents that was rumored about not too long ago, what do you say we put a few hundred, uh, special magistrates in place to start policing these administrators, these Justice Department crooks, and these legislators in Congress who have gone off the deep end?
We need a, a, a policing, uh, of the system of governance itself here in the United States and Merrick Garland isn’t about to do a damn thing because he’s between now and November in place to protect his boss.
Timothy Shea: Gene, I agree with you absolutely. In fact, I appoint you to be America’s [00:12:00] ombudsman. Keep track of these guys.
Keep their, holding their feet to the fire and keep us informed right here at State of the Nation. Thanks so much for another episode of GVTV.
Gene Valentino: Hi friends, Gene Valentino from the Grassroots Truthcast. You’ve got to join us, not only for the great shows and entertainment and guests, but you’ve got to join us because our sponsorship is growing and it would mean a lot to them, not to mention me, if you come on board. And the one we’re featuring this week is Luis Sanchez from The Cigar Shop.
He owns a company called La Tradicion Cubana. The Cigar Shop, Miami, Florida, since 1995. Five. This Luis is really one heck of a guy. He’s determined to manufacture cigars based on an unprecedented excellence in quality using old fashioned Cuban methods. The cigar isn’t always cheaper. But it is better, and if, like, you’re drinking [00:13:00] a fine wine, you gotta have a fine cigar, look for Luis Sanchez at The Cigar Shop.
He helped me find a nice Connecticut wrapper with a Nicaraguan blend, and, uh, this cigar has become not only my, my enjoyment. But this cigar has also become my brand and my marketing tool. You notice up close, we’ve got a little label he’s put on there for me. It’s called, it’s, and that’s my website, GeneValentino.
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I’m using this with my guests on the Grassroots Truthcasts. This could be your brand on your product. Your service anywhere in the world. Look for Luis Sanchez at thecubanshop. com. Thanks for joining us. Enjoy your smoke.
“Wake Up America! We Must React To Protect!”
Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation
- Originally Recorded on June 17, 2024
- America Beyond the Noise: Season 5, Episode 536
- Image courtesy of: TNT State of the Nation