WMXI Interviews

WMXI Exchanges ~ Michael Pol & Gene Valentino

Michael Pol and I started an informal conversation on his Mississippi radio stations in November 2020. Since then, our audience has grown into the 100’s of thousands. Our featured stories change weekly BUT, our mission is to protect and defend this Constitutional Republic. Please subscribe. We’ll email you our weekly shows. Please help protect and defend America.

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Donald Trump for the People vs The Democrats for Themselves!

Donald Trump for the People vs The Democrats for Themselves!

Donald Trump for the People vs The Democrats for Themselves! WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol The 47th President of the United States Donald Trump just survived an assassination attempt. Kimberly Cheatle, Director of the Secret Service, under Homeland Security...

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Arm Up ~ Suit Up ~ It’s Time To Protect This Nation!

Arm Up ~ Suit Up ~ It’s Time To Protect This Nation!

Arm Up ~ Suit Up ~ It's Time To Protect This Nation! WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol Why does the Democrat Party IGNOR the Southern Border? Why do they ignore the murder of innocent Americans? And, why do they 'prop-up' a failing 81 year old for reelection?...

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Who’s Shaking the “Jar of Ants”!?

Who’s Shaking the “Jar of Ants”!?

Who's Shaking the "Jar of Ants"!? WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol Who's shaking the jar of ants in this 250-year-old democracy... The oldest governance in the world! When Donald Trump is elected, he will have to go through all the agencies and ask everyone to...

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“Principles Before Personalities” ~ A New Era Coming?

“Principles Before Personalities” ~ A New Era Coming?

"Principles Before Personalities" ~ A New Era Coming? WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol A New Era Coming? On the wake of D Day, our 100-year old veterans are telling their stories of our Democracy, the Democracy they defended in WW2, in Germany. Ironically, we...

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The Democrats Throw Biden to the Wolves!

The Democrats Throw Biden to the Wolves!

The Democrats Throw Biden to the Wolves! WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol While our country manages the problems Biden has brought us in the last 4 years, it's clear Biden's distain for YOU exceeds his love for this nation. After last night's Trump rally in...

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“Stormy” Attempts to Take Trump Down ~ FAIL!

“Stormy” Attempts to Take Trump Down ~ FAIL!

"Stormy" Attempts to Take Trump Down ~ FAIL! WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol This police autocratic state under this Biden administration...Abusing the system to take down Trump...is FAILING. Keeping Biden away from debating is key. Keep your attention off of...

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Democrat Meltdown ~ Trump Gets Reelected This November!

Democrat Meltdown ~ Trump Gets Reelected This November!

Democrat Meltdown ~ Trump Gets Reelected This November! WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol We love complacency, and staying comfortable with the expectation that tomorrow will be like today. The takeover of the USA might be too much of a change by 270,000...

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“Was Your Uncle Eaten By Cannibals Too?!”

“Was Your Uncle Eaten By Cannibals Too?!”

"Was Your Uncle Eaten By Cannibals Too?!" | WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol We love complacency, and staying comfortable with the expectation that tomorrow will be like today. The takeover of the USA might be too much of a change by 270,000 Chinese students...

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Border Frustration Reaching Stalls At Walmart

Border Frustration Reaching Stalls At Walmart

Border Frustration Reaching Stalls At Walmart We must elect officials that can protect us from foreign attempts to transform our thinking. This is the real invasion upon America at this time. In the last decade in particular we see a political/social transformation of...

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“Frogs in Slowly Boiling Water” | WMXI 26 Jan 2024

“Frogs in Slowly Boiling Water” | WMXI 26 Jan 2024

Watch the Interview! Click the ▶️ button on the Image Above ☝ to start watching the Video now. "Frogs in Slowly Boiling Water" While the 'Deep State' and our foreign adversaries try to continue to draw our attention to the Ukraine / Israel crises, these same criminals...

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Nikki ~ Ron … Time to Pull Out!

Nikki ~ Ron … Time to Pull Out!

Watch the Interview! Click the ▶️ button on the Image Above ☝ to start watching the Video now. Nikki ~ Ron ... Time to Pull Out! The attempt to derail Donald Trump is failing. The Iowa Caucuses and the pending primaries will validate this point once and for all. The...

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Pick Good Local Leaders! ~ The Bedrock of a Good Republic!

Pick Good Local Leaders! ~ The Bedrock of a Good Republic!

Watch the Interview! Click the ▶️ button on the Image Above ☝ to start watching the Video now. Pick Good Local Leaders! ~ The Bedrock of a Good Republic! Government must move forward in 2024 to create incentives for business to bring back jobs and create opportunities...

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The Noose is Tightening for Joe!

The Noose is Tightening for Joe!

Watch the Interview! Click the ▶️ button on the Image Above ☝ to start watching the Video now. The Noose is Tightening for Joe! Good for Judge Maryellen Noreika and the two whistleblowers, Garry Shapley, and Joseph Ziegler. They saved this nation! They brought...

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Gene Valentino Political Commentator and American Patriot

“Gene Valentino: the ‘Velvet Hammer’. Comes across as such a nice guy, so polite and soft-spoken, but his words pack a wallop!”

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Radio Interview Series, WMXI


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