WMXI Interviews

WMXI Exchanges ~ Michael Pol & Gene Valentino

Michael Pol and I started an informal conversation on his Mississippi radio stations in November 2020. Since then, our audience has grown into the 100’s of thousands. Our featured stories change weekly BUT, our mission is to protect and defend this Constitutional Republic. Please subscribe. We’ll email you our weekly shows. Please help protect and defend America.

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Who’s Shaking the “Jar of Ants”!?

Who’s Shaking the “Jar of Ants”!?

Who's Shaking the "Jar of Ants"!? WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol Who's shaking the jar of ants in this 250-year-old democracy... The oldest governance in the world! When Donald Trump is elected, he will have to go through all the agencies and ask everyone to...

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IMPEACH BIDEN NOW! ~ We Must Live In Truth!

IMPEACH BIDEN NOW! ~ We Must Live In Truth!

IMPEACH BIDEN NOW! ~ We Must Live In Truth! When leaders put their own ambitions ahead of the citizens, they are no longer worthy of their elected position!  These leaders MUST be impeached, and maybe criminally charged.  Joe’s poll numbers are so low because...

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Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth … IS SOCIALISM!

Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth … IS SOCIALISM!

Don’t Be Fooled… Redistribution of Wealth … IS SOCIALISM! Signs of early Socialism.  We the rich helping the poor is a redistribution of wealth.  Home buyers will pay a fee on their mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.  The proposal is to charge a fee from...

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Why Have We Suspended Common Sense?  When Does It End !!??

Why Have We Suspended Common Sense? When Does It End !!??

Why Have We Suspended Common Sense? When Does It End !!?? TREASON!  The Biden Crime Family received millions of dollars from China for the peddling of their influence in America.  Proof of records clearly shows the Bidens were in the pockets of China.  Impeachment...

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Gene, From Near the Arctic Circle, Canada

Gene, From Near the Arctic Circle, Canada

Gene, From Near the Arctic Circle, Canada. Maureen and I took a break and headed north toward the Arctic Circle. As of today's broadcast, we are in Calgary Canada, making our way to Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. Separately, I met two new legal citizens of...

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Principles Before Personalities … The Swamp is Frozen.

Principles Before Personalities … The Swamp is Frozen.

Principles Before Personalities … The Swamp is Frozen. What do I mean by saying, "The swamp is frozen"? Kevin McCarthy has secured 90% of the Republican vote, yet 10% of the Republicans in the House is trying to derail the majority. The Pelosi regime has polluted...

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Investing In Our Future Is Essential… Without China!

Investing In Our Future Is Essential… Without China!

Investing In Our Future Is Essential… Without China! It’s a good time to buy Southwest Airlines stock. Greedy entrepreneurs look short-term. China looks long-term. Don’t use China’s money to cure our greedy shortcomings! Leaders with a vision are needed during these...

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Gene & Ted Reflect on Early Days of Radio Broadcasting

Gene & Ted Reflect on Early Days of Radio Broadcasting

Gene & Ted Reflect on Early Days of Radio Broadcasting Wonderful time for a holiday reflection of heartfelt times. Gene and Ted Tibbett share stories about their dads and the early days of radio broadcasting. Gene described his interview in 1974 with Senator Ted...

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Gene Valentino Political Commentator and American Patriot

“Gene Valentino: the ‘Velvet Hammer’. Comes across as such a nice guy, so polite and soft-spoken, but his words pack a wallop!”

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Radio Interview Series, WMXI


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