Investing In Our Future Is Essential… Without China!

It’s a good time to buy Southwest Airlines stock. Greedy entrepreneurs look short-term. China looks long-term. Don’t use China’s money to cure our greedy shortcomings! Leaders with a vision are needed during these crazy times. Innovative thinking is key. We need to invest in our future. We must take back control of our lives and not rely on government to solve our problems. Take an assessment of yourself with gratitude to family and friends. Looking to 2023 for true solutions to advance our nation. We must reassess what we have done; putting bad leaders we put in place that hurt our nation. We must pivot back to the founding principles of this nation. Elected officials must provide solutions. There must be painful consequences for elected officials that do not perform. They cannot lie to the public and not make good on promises they made to the voters. Real sanctions must be imposed on elected officials who do not deliver or abuse their oath of office.


Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Thursday, December 29, 2022 at 7:15am CST
Season 1, Episode 80



Happy Holidays! Last week my buddies invited me to a local neighborhood meeting sponsored by Michael Jones. He invited the newly elected County Commissioner, Michael Kohler to the event. I tagged along. To my surprise, I was caught off guard with a request to say a few words before Michael Kohler spoke. Unbeknownst to me, my 3 minutes of thought were recorded. I pass it along to you as my holiday gift to you! Also attached is my weekly 15-minute segment with Ted Tibbett at WMXI, Biloxi, MS. We had a great conversation about the early days of radio broadcasting.

Enjoy and God Bless!