
“The Wilderness of Yellowknife Canada ~ A Life-Changing Perspective” Gene & Maureen disappeared into the wilderness of the Northwest Territories, exploring the region of Yellowknife Canada, less than 200 miles from the Arctic Circle.  Lows of -40 degrees F … Highs of +5 degrees F.  Our snowmobile guides were from the Dene Tribe, a spinoff of the Navaho Nation. (Note: The Dene were the first people to settle in what is now the Northwest Territories).  Their view of life was refreshing.  They are so removed from the daily politics and the bad behavior throughout the world.  Their hearts are warm and their respect for life and people is unmatched.  Our log cabin lodge held 14 guests, including a National Geographic photographer, a retired Assistant Chief from the Los Angeles Fire Department, and a policeman from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  The police officer whispers, “What’s going on with you guys in America?  I never realized just how important the United States is to Canada.”  Separately, Anthony Fauci is in big trouble.  He was an investor in Remdesivir, which has not gone through the clinical trials, but was a product pushed by him to market, insulated from legal product liability.  He’s reaping huge royalties from an unproven drug!  This is Fauci’s greedy and reckless conflict of interest!  He was criminally pushing this drug out as a COVID solution…when in fact he ignored studies showing the successes of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine.  Studies by doctor groups from around the world proved that the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine had a success rate was 50% to 80% better than unproven Remdesivir.  More to follow…  

Coming up: Dems are panicking on more coming out on the Twitter files, Tucker Carlson dropped a ‘smart bomb’ last Monday regarding the one-sided reporting of the Jan. 6th event.  Why did a legal demonstration morph into fake insurrection at the Capital? (Maybe to divert your attention away from the stolen election! TREASON!). We will be looking at the collaborators of treason in upcoming episodes.

“The Wilderness of Yellowknife Canada ~ A Life-Changing Perspective”

Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, March 10, 2023 at 7:15am CST
Season 1, Episode 90

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