Florida Senator Rick Scott Offers A Solution While D.A. Alvin Bragg Fumbles On Indicting Trump! District Attorney Alvin Bragg from New York is feeling the “door swing back and hit him in the butt.” For the greater good of the nation, a Trump/DeSantis ticket saves our nation! That insures DeSantis is ready for 2 more terms as President. Meanwhile, Senator Rick Scott shows that America has “grown soft” in eyes of our foreign adversaries. Rick Scott says we must stop this nonsense and take back our nation. We need a balanced budget and an Inspector General reporting directly to the Senate to help the Senate adjudicate wrongdoings timely. Maybe a Constitutional Amendment on this! AND, TikTok CEO Chew is setting the stage for a takeover of the United States by China. Chew admits the data collected by TikTok is available to the Chinese Communist Party.
Florida Senator Rick Scott Offers A Solution While D.A. Alvin Bragg Fumbles On Indicting Trump!
Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, March 24, 2023 at 7:15am CST
Season 1, Episode 92
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- Special thanks to the following source(s) for the image(s) used in this content:
- https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-holding-black-android-smartphone-5081930/
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