WMXI Interviews
WMXI Exchanges ~ Michael Pol & Gene Valentino
Michael Pol and I started an informal conversation on his Mississippi radio stations in November 2020. Since then, our audience has grown into the 100’s of thousands. Our featured stories change weekly BUT, our mission is to protect and defend this Constitutional Republic. Please subscribe. We’ll email you our weekly shows. Please help protect and defend America.
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It’s In Your Hands ~ Judge Results NOT Rhetoric
It's In Your Hands ~ Judge Results NOT Rhetoric WMXI w/ Gene Valentino & Michael Pol I came out of the corporate world judging employee performance and results. It's in your hands; you were not judged (for example) based on your attraction to a Donald Trump...
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Changing Our Nation: Russia/China Crisis, Public Education System, Domestic Oil Production & an Economic Cure
Changing Our Nation: Russia/China Crisis, Public Education System, Domestic Oil Production & an Economic Cure Changing Our Nation? Russia/China holding Biden Hostage. Defund Education…Not the Police. Obscene Missteps in Education. Incentives Needed to Restart...
How Fear Porn, Mass Formation Psychosis, and Global Totalitarianism are being used today by our governments like Adolf Hitler did to create the Nazi Party and commit unconscionable acts of pure evil.
How Fear Porn, Mass Formation Psychosis, and Global Totalitarianism are being used today by our governments like Adolf Hitler did to create the Nazi Party and commit unconscionable acts of pure evil. BENEFITS OF IVERMECTIN & HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SOLUTION BLOCKED BY...
Ghislaine Maxwell conviction & political ramifications. Will she reveal names of powerful high-ranking Democrat liberals? Clinton? Bill Gates? Royals? Hilary’s & Hunter’s computer?
Ghislaine Maxwell conviction & political ramifications. Will she reveal names of powerful high-ranking Democrat liberals? Clinton? Bill Gates? Royals? Hilary’s & Hunter’s computer? Hoping our Democracy will remedy its problems through the strength of its...
Reflecting on the Radio Industry. Gene’s Dad. Summary of ‘Red-Blue’ states. Gratitude.
Reflecting on the Radio Industry. Gene’s Dad. Summary of ‘Red-Blue’ states. Gratitude. Gene & Michael Reflecting on the radio industry over the years. Gene reminisces over his Dad’s career in broadcasting. Year end summary of ‘Red-Blue’ states. Humble expressions...
Predicted Omicron deaths, Federal Term Limits, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, and Political Corruption from the Top
Predicted Omicron deaths, Federal Term Limits, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, and Political Corruption from the Top Federal Term Limits to stop reckless congressional behavior. Proposed 29th Amendment. Major transition pending in 2022 elections. He cannot keep scaring...
Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on 5 Felony Counts. What Will His Penalty Be? What will the Press’s penalty be?
Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on 5 Felony Counts. What Will His Penalty Be? What will the Press's penalty be? Jussie Smollett…Guilty on 5 felony counts…What will his penalty? What will be the PRESS’s penalty for their coverage of Smollett? ARE THE ARMS OF JUSTICE...
Is Biden Mentally Fit to Be President? What about Immigration? What Do Immigrants think About America?
Is Biden Mentally Fit to Be President? What about Immigration? What Do Immigrants think About America? IMMIGRANTS … legal and illegal … putting spoiled Americans in their place for their reckless disrespect for America. These immigrants have put their lives at risk to...
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is looking to move to Jupiter, Florida? Really?
Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is looking to move to Jupiter, Florida? Really? Pelosi moves to Florida? Really? Our Judicial Process has been breached. Selective Prosecution seen everywhere. This breakdown in our criminal justice system now mandates that...
Rittenhouse Case ~ Deep State, Vile News Media, Attempting to Throw the Case to Promote Censorship and Suppression
Rittenhouse Case: Prosecutorial Intimidation by Biden and a Democratic Justice Dept. attempting again to ‘selectively prosecute’.
Rittenhouse Case: Prosecutorial Intimidation by Biden and a Democratic Justice Dept. attempting again to ‘selectively prosecute’. A moment to honor the men and women post Veterans Day. – Kyle Rittenhouse… a young man politically persecuted when defending his life...
US Congress Democrats – An inept cabal of intimidators. Democrats and their vitriol for Trump are hurting our nation.
US Congress Democrats - An inept cabal of intimidators. Democrats and their vitriol for Trump are hurting our nation. Virginia Elections, Parents standing up to the Democrats in Virginia. Pelosi rushes the funding bill to Congress in violation of the 72-hour review...
Negligent Federal Inaction – The Cause of Pending American Uprising
Negligent Federal Inaction – The Cause of Pending American Uprising The Federal Government cannot pass a budget. Liberal Democratic extremists have broken the political back of Nancy Pelosi. Like Biden she is soon to be the “Lame Duck”. Don’t be surprised if she...
Will We Learn From History Or Repeat It?
Will We Learn From History Or Repeat It? Let’s not forget the past or sweep it under the rug. Let’s learn from it. Will America realize the mistake we made with Biden? Will we learn from it? Will we wake up soon enough or lose this country to China? Originally Aired:...
Save America – Step Up Now!
Save America - Step Up Now! Standardizing the presidential election nationwide, democratic meltdown in Congress. Nancy Pelosi fails at bringing forward a failed budget. Inconsistency in leadership. It’s time to mobilize. 350,000 illegal immigrants expected in October....
Fed-Up Yet? A LEGAL Uprising is not ILLEGAL Insurrection – Defend our Democratic Republic Now.
Fed-Up Yet? A LEGAL Uprising is not ILLEGAL Insurrection - Defend our Democratic Republic Now. Corruption at the highest level. America getting destroyed from within. The Democrats are in the center of it all. The uprising on January 6, 2021 at the United States...
Nicki Minaj on CNN’s Don Lemon and his “Johnson”. The Liberal distraction: Afghanistan, the Border, and Biden’s COVID mandates.
Nicki Minaj on CNN’s Don Lemon and his “Johnson”. The Liberal distraction: Afghanistan, the Border, and Biden’s COVID mandates. Biden has taken the attention away from his criminal mismanagement of our exodus in Afghanistan, shifting attention to socialistic,...
Biden’s Illegal Mandate, The Vaccine, and Gene’s ICON A5 arrives home!
Biden’s Illegal Mandate, The Vaccine, and Gene’s ICON A5 arrives home! Gene’s ICON Aircraft arrives home. Topic moves to Michael & Gene discussion on Biden’s illegal mandate and overreach of the COVID vaccine. Gene describes the President’s invasion of...
Afghanistan debacle… Biden’s failures lead to Dead Americans & Allies
Afghanistan debacle... Biden’s failures lead to Dead Americans & Allies Joe Biden is not our President. He’s inconsistent and taking conflicting advice from others. The contradiction between our border, foreign borders, abandoning allies, Biden’s mental acuity,...
Biden, Failed Decisions on Afghanistan
19 August 2021 | BIDEN, FAILED DECISIONS ON AFGHANISTAN Biden’s administration climaxing in failure and defeat, A consequence of the mismanagement of the manner if the USA withdrawal from Afghanistan. Loss of credibility as seen from the eyes of our allies paints and...
How Soon We Forget … Just a few years ago vs now!
13 August 2021 | How Soon We Forget … Just a few years ago vs now!
COVID Face Mask Insanity
COVID Face Mask Insanity Here is the latest WMXI Radio exchange between political commentator Gene Valentino and Michael Pol on WMXI, Facemask Insanity . 23 July 2021 | Facemask Insanity | WMXI - Pine Belt Daybreak - Gene Valentino Interview
Big Tech’s Overreaching Control
Big Tech’s Overreaching Control Tired of Big Tech’s Overreaching Control? House and Senate need to step-up to modify Section 230. Today Section 230 is insulated from liability for censoring and slandering anyone, including the President. China in the meantime is...
“The Beauty of America, its founding documents, the passion to understand, and saving our Democratic Republic…”
“The Beauty of America, its founding documents, the passion to understand, and saving our Democratic Republic…” This powerful segment between Michael and Gene is introduced with a passionate three minute song by Toby Keith, “The Red, White and Blue”. Understanding the...
Navajo Indians Save American Lives in Iwo Jima (WWII)…Putting “Woke” & “CRT” into perspective
Navajo Indians Save American Lives in Iwo Jima (WWII)…Putting “Woke” & “CRT” into perspective Navajo Indian speaks about the Navajo Indians and their role in World War 2 at Iwo Jima. With all of the demands on white people today to proclaim their known or unknown...

“Gene Valentino: the ‘Velvet Hammer’. Comes across as such a nice guy, so polite and soft-spoken, but his words pack a wallop!”