Jussie Smollett Found Guilty on 5 Felony Counts. What Will His Penalty Be? What will the Press’s penalty be?

Jussie Smollett…Guilty on 5 felony counts…What will his penalty? What will be the PRESS’s penalty for their coverage of Smollett? ARE THE ARMS OF JUSTICE BLIND? Smollett perpetrated a fraud intentionally against Trump and failed. Fraudster idiot reporters intentionally cared less about the crime and more about persecuting Trump. A fundamental discussion of how laws are enforced and adjudicated nationwide. Our Democracy is laced with stress to intentionally cause us to check our balance of justice, liberty, and freedom.

Global Warming…Warm August Weather…Disgraceful theatrics from reporters who amplified their support of Smollett…Robin Roberts at ABC should be embarrassed. Will the blind arms of justice apply here? We as Americans must be more suspicious about why we rush to judgement on decisions without all the facts. Racism now going both ways.

Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, December 10, 2021 at 7am CST
Season 1, Episode 30

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A Special Message from Gene Valentino

Doing “the right thing” is not always easy. It’s not always thought to be wise, most profitable, or popular. Doing the right thing has more to do with “COURAGE”; forged from the principles and beliefs given to you by your parents. There’s an ole’ saying I’ve adopted, “The Politician will tell you what you want to hear. The Leader will tell you what you need to know.” And, telling you what you need to know may not be popular”. So, my Accomplishments here do not show you things I’ve walked away from. As a result, I left A LOT of money on the table. However, God is good! He rewarded me with more wealth than I can speak of with a conscience that is pure and clear. I sleep well at night. I wish for you the same!”

Gene Valentino

Gene & Maureen Valentino



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