Joe Biden’s Approval Rating, Relationship with the Ukraine, and the Train Wreck of his Press Conference… and Presidency
Joe Biden, thought by most as the worst president in US history (in less than 1 year no less), has now hit a new low. Not only are the Democrats running like rats on a sinking ship, but Sleepy Joe has publically derailed once again in his last press conference!
In this episode of the GrassRoots TruthCast we discuss Biden’s unfit mental state, his abysmal approval rating, the train wreck of his presidency, trains being robbed like the wild west in liberal California, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s dark and illegal relations with the Ukraine, his spineless leadership, another incoherent press conference, the Babylon Bee, and more. Enjoy this episode and we look forward to reading your comments below!
Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, January 21, 2022 at 7:00am CST
Season 1, Episode 36
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A Special Message from Gene Valentino
Doing “the right thing” is not always easy. It’s not always thought to be wise, most profitable, or popular. Doing the right thing has more to do with “COURAGE”; forged from the principles and beliefs given to you by your parents. There’s an ole’ saying I’ve adopted, “The Politician will tell you what you want to hear. The Leader will tell you what you need to know.” And, telling you what you need to know may not be popular”. So, my Accomplishments here do not show you things I’ve walked away from. As a result, I left A LOT of money on the table. However, God is good! He rewarded me with more wealth than I can speak of with a conscience that is pure and clear. I sleep well at night. I wish for you the same!”

Gene & Maureen Valentino