Changing Our Nation: Russia/China Crisis, Public Education System, Domestic Oil Production & an Economic Cure
Changing Our Nation? Russia/China holding Biden Hostage. Defund Education…Not the Police. Obscene Missteps in Education. Incentives Needed to Restart Domestic Oil Production…An Economic Cure. Step up now and help Change our Nation’s Direction!
Supreme Court Ruling on government forcing mandates on citizens. A Supreme Court that has reminded government of overreach. Keaston Cinema and Joe Mansion saving the filibuster. Elected officials that must go to Washington to support the ideologies and principles upon which they were elected. Democrats doing everything possible to protect their stronghold at the expense of the citizens. Elected officials on being forced to give up their ideologies when then arrive in Congress. Big Pharma and Big Tech…what is their level of control over us? Getting out from under the stronghold of China. The “Miseducation of America”.
Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, January 14, 2022 at 7am CST
Season 1, Episode 35
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A Special Message from Gene Valentino
Doing “the right thing” is not always easy. It’s not always thought to be wise, most profitable, or popular. Doing the right thing has more to do with “COURAGE”; forged from the principles and beliefs given to you by your parents. There’s an ole’ saying I’ve adopted, “The Politician will tell you what you want to hear. The Leader will tell you what you need to know.” And, telling you what you need to know may not be popular”. So, my Accomplishments here do not show you things I’ve walked away from. As a result, I left A LOT of money on the table. However, God is good! He rewarded me with more wealth than I can speak of with a conscience that is pure and clear. I sleep well at night. I wish for you the same!”

Gene & Maureen Valentino