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Abundance 360 Summit 2022, Disney vs DeSantis, & Unintended Consequences
Disney has gone too far. Liberalism, the WOKE culture, and immorality towards our children and nation has to stop. How Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is putting a stop to Disney’s fairy tale, what the future holds for us all with a glimpse of Gene’s experience this year at the Abundance 360 Summit, and stopping anti-Americans, treasonous politicians, and corrupt corporations from bleeding America dry. All this and more on this weeks TruthCast. Enjoy!
Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Friday, April 22, 2022 at 7am CST
Season 1, Episode 48
Bonus Video Short: Gene at Abundance 360 Summit 2022 with AI Robot:
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A Special Message from Gene Valentino
Doing “the right thing” is not always easy. It’s not always thought to be wise, most profitable, or popular. Doing the right thing has more to do with “COURAGE”; forged from the principles and beliefs given to you by your parents. There’s an ole’ saying I’ve adopted, “The Politician will tell you what you want to hear. The Leader will tell you what you need to know.” And, telling you what you need to know may not be popular”. So, my Accomplishments here do not show you things I’ve walked away from. As a result, I left A LOT of money on the table. However, God is good! He rewarded me with more wealth than I can speak of with a conscience that is pure and clear. I sleep well at night. I wish for you the same!”