A Uniform Voting Process is Now a Must Nationwide! Too Much Confusion!

Florida did it right.  If Florida can count 7.5 million votes in 4 hours, why can’t Arizona, Nevada and elsewhere get it right?   Why is the vote counting process a problem only in blue/purple states?   Leadership over the elections is held hostage to elected officials. No uniform national standard.  Standards vary state by state.  Negligence, incompetence, if not fraud, is on full display.  Take a look at my 2nd Bill of Rights.  One of the 11 amendments proposed is a solution for consistency in voting standards. A Uniform Voting Process is Now a Must Nationwide!

“It’s not the voting that’s democracy; it’s the counting.” – Tom Stoppard

Originally Aired: WMXI Radio on Thursday, November 10, 2022 at 7:15am CST
Season 1, Episode 74