Replacing Matt Gaetz, an Interview with Congressional Candidate Gene Valentino on The Tactically Inappropriate Podcast

Gene Valentino on Kyle Rittenhouse Presents: Tactically Inappropriate


In this Video of the Tactically Inappropriate Podcast, Gene Valentino, a District 1 congressional candidate, discusses his vision for moving the MAGA agenda forward. Starting with his mission to abolish federal income tax, slash the budget, eliminate government departments, and address illegal immigration, Gene highlights his commitment to the American people. He also outlines his fierce advocacy for the Second Amendment and proposes reforms for the Veterans Administration System. The interview touches upon various political strategies, term limits, and how Gene aims to combat the establishment. Valentino’s direct approach and business experience offer an insightful look into his policies and candidacy.


A HUGE THANK YOU to the American Loving guys over at the Tactically Inappropriate Podcast for having me on their amazing show!  An Amazing group of men right here in Florida’s District 1 trying to arm our area with knowledge for this important election.


Be sure to check out their show over on Rumble “Kyle Rittenhouse Presents: Tactically Inappropriate”

*This comes from a 3 hour of footage, a 2 episode series done by of the Tactically Inappropriate Podcast. It was cut to feature Gene’s interview and the host reactions to all the candidates they interviewed and their opinion on Gene as a candidate. NO DECEPTIVE editing is involved or context is changed from the original recording. All cuts were made only to focus on one guest and shorten the back and forth, non-relevant to the discussion side conversations. 

** Footage from the Tactically Inappropriate Podcast where Gene was interviewed and talked about.



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Replacing Matt Gaetz, an Interview with Congressional Candidate Gene Valentino on The Tactically Inappropriate Podcast

Sen Rick Scott: [00:00:00] Gene Valentino’s GrassRoots podcast, he tells the truth. He tries to get information out there to make sure people make good informed decisions.

Gene Valentino: I’m Gene Valentino and I approve this message.

Epic Voice Guy: Trump won, but we know the real fight starts now. Congress needs a champion to move the MAGA agenda forward. I’m Gene Valentino like Donald Trump

Gene Valentino: and Elon Musk. I’m not a politician. I’m a businessman and innovator. When I’m elected, I’ll put you, the American people, first.

We’ll abolish federal income taxes. We’ll slash the budget and eliminate whole government departments. We’ll send every illegal immigrant packing. My message to D. C. is simple. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.


Chris: Alright guys, welcome back to Tactically Inappropriate, the interviews. So, uh, now we’re with the District 1 candidate, Gene Valentino. Gene, how are you doing?

Gene Valentino: Good evening. Thank you for having me.

Chris: Yes, thank you for coming. Uh, we had Matt Gates on, uh, earlier and, uh, he told us what he’s doing now, why he, uh, Wasn’t coming back for the seat and what he was looking forward to and he said we need some new blood and you know sometimes you do need some new blood and We’re interested to find out what your take is for the district.

Um, how you feel about gun rights? and And what you’re gonna do differently than anybody else that’s in this race. So Gene, tell us a little bit about yourself, just to start.

Gene Valentino: Well, sure. Thank you for having me. You know, first on Matt Gaetz. One of the reasons I’m running is to fill Matt Gaetz’s shoes on something he did very well.

Um, [00:02:00] Matt is, um, an interesting person, and you either love him or you hate him. And, uh, the fact of the matter is, he fell on the sword more than once for Donald Trump. He was there to protect him. He showed, um, concern for Donald Trump. He watched his backside, for lack of a better term. He was there to defend the principles, the policies, the platforms of the Trump administration.

And frankly, he was there when others weren’t, and I commend him for that. You may not like his style at time, and it may not be something that appeals to you, but you know what? I don’t care. He’s working for the citizens, and the goal is to get something done for the people.

Chris: We love Matt’s style. He yells at the rhinos.

It’s a lot of fun. I love it. I mean, it’s better than going out to the movies. Is Matt on tonight? Let’s watch this. It is. When we had him on, we were Talking about I’m pretty sure his face was on a box of Wheaties at [00:03:00] some point in the last two months. So he’s been He’s been everywhere. So, all right, we got some questions for you.

Uh, so first off, you know This is a gun podcast. We’re gun guys. Uh, we run gun companies. Um, Kyle’s a big advocate for the second amendment works for Texas gun rights right now, uh, coming here to work with us. Um, so how are you going to protect the second amendment? Well, first off, let’s, how do you feel about, uh, citizens on a machine guns?

First question we got for

Gene Valentino: you. Well, but just, just to say, let me answer it this way. The second amendment is absolute. When amendments are brought forward to the corpus of the Constitution, the amendments to the Constitution are by definition the boundaries of the law. The Constitution, if you want to change the amendment, that’s another thing, but absent doing that, the amendment itself is the full boundary and corpus of the law, meaning [00:04:00] that nothing else in law should exist except the second amendment itself.

In fact, all 27 amendments, uh, uh, the same rule applies. Many people misunderstand that. So when states come in to try to wiggle on issues of, um, background checks or, um, uh, uh, concealed carry rules or what’s a legitimate firearm and what’s not, not to mention automatic versus semi automatic, uh, to me is an overstep.

There should be no regulation other than the confines of the Second Amendment. Said differently, there’s no place in state and local law to manage, and that includes gun, uh, background checks at the local level. I have 14 firearms myself, from a very small little miniature gun from my wife, all AP5 I just finished.

Uh, semi automatic. Now, if I wanted it to be [00:05:00] automatic, I think that should be, I should be entitled to have that automatic. But it does, I can’t get it without going through some hoops on that special permit process. Okay, I’m dealing with the regulation. I’m going into Congress to fight this battle, to make sure that the Second Amendment remains pure and unadulterated, which means Don’t screw with it at the state and local level.

Chris: Okay. So when you say at the state and local level, so are you okay with regulations at the federal level?

Gene Valentino: I know that’s a good point. Uh, the regulation, there’s only one regulation. That’s a second amendment. Okay. Okay.

Chris: Does that mean no,

Gene Valentino: you’re for no

Chris: background checks whatsoever? That’s correct.

Kyle Rittenhouse: So Gene, I want to ask you, if you were to be elected, how would you preserve the Second Amendment in Congress?

What steps would you take to pass more pro gun legislation, and how would you fight for the Second Amendment in the Capitol?

Gene Valentino: Two weeks ago, [00:06:00] I was on Capitol Hill at the Capitol Hill Club, where I met with the Gun Owners Association. I love that you didn’t say the NRA. I love it was a gun

Chris: owners association.

Techy Taylor: That’s a good

Chris: start. Starting to like you, dude. Okay. And am I out of trouble yet? Am I okay? Yeah. You’re paddling in the right direction. I got Jesse, Jessica back there. I got four pretty strong guys that I’m wearing. Jessica’s my bodyguard. I just want you to know that. Jessica’s scaring me over there.

She’s been quiet.

Gene Valentino: Gets

Chris: me, gets me a little worried.

Gene Valentino: Uh, how would I fight it? Uh, the bottom line is I need, I said this to the gun owners association. I said, look, let’s create a pathway. to make sure we don’t piss off people in the process. Let’s let, you know, you got to know when to use a feather. You got to know when to use the hammer, right?

We, we’re deliberating as we make our way through Congress, the House Ways and Means Committee, and the other agent, uh, subcommittees. We have to make sure we are Standing in we are [00:07:00] in good stead So we’re going to politically dance to make sure that they understand that there’s bigger fish to fry Donald trump has a major Agenda of things we got to address including the border and the fentanyl and the mass deportations The last thing we need to worry about right now is background checks and regulations that on, uh, a firearms, which our constitution says we’re legally entitled to carry.

So to answer your question is, let’s convince the people who don’t agree with us to get on board with a process of proof. Now, I don’t have a problem with a convicted felon. Okay. Someone who has violated the principles of many other laws of our nation. I think there’s some restriction that should be on that felon for access to, to any firearm.

That’s, that’s just me. My,

Chris: now my problem with that is Are they [00:08:00] rehabilitated or not? And my view, and you don’t have to have the same view as me, a lot of people don’t. My view in that aspect is that, uh, these guys, they’re saying they’ve served their time, they’re back out on the street, and they’re rehabilitated.

So, if they’re not rehabilitated, they shouldn’t be on the street to begin with. Okay, let me

Gene Valentino: tell you what you get with Gene Valentino. Let’s go. So, sell me. Sell me on your idea. Okay, see, now you just brought up a point there that I don’t want to overlook. If you’re telling me that the person who might have been inappropriately charged, just as Mr.

Rittenhouse almost was, is all of a sudden a convicted felon for, uh, at cross purposes with a good judicial justice system, Then not only should he be entitled to carry a gun, but the system failed him in his, in the, in the deliberation of justice. So you’re, it’s, it’s, um, it’s a give and take, isn’t it?

It’s um, [00:09:00] we’ve got to make sure, sell me on the idea that this per, so when we create the law or modify the law. That it’s not absolute. The key word is absolute. It’s not absolute that every single person who’s a convicted felon be denied the right to carry it again in the future. But don’t you agree with me that maybe we can meet in the middle that if he was a convicted felon, he should have some process of recovery?

Go ahead,

Kyle Rittenhouse: Kyle. So gene, um, the constitution is very clear when it lays out. Is there anywhere in there that says a convicted felon is prohibited from owning a firearm? I know you were just talking that the second amendment is the law of the, and that’s the only thing that should be enforced. Is there anywhere in there that mentions felons not being able to, well, that’s the, your point

Gene Valentino: is made, isn’t it?

I mean, there is none. And, and so therefore my first point remains the right point. That if there’s [00:10:00] no other law in place, if it’s not within the definition of the Second Amendment, then there is no entitlement to regulate. Or restrict the use of a

Chris: gun. The problem with, you know, regulating, uh, felons, violent felons, any felons not being able to own a firearm is the fact that the only way you can, uh, regulate that is with a background check.

There’s, there’s no possible way to, and, and I’m in the gun business and I, we do background checks all the time. We do the process. Uh, so, so I know how the process, uh, works and the only way to know if someone is a convicted felon is to run a background check on them. The problem I have is people are like, well, you know, violent criminals are going to get back out on the street.

They’re going to slip through the cracks. Why are you violating my rights as a law abiding citizen? Uh, my second amendment rights because a violent criminal got back out on the streets. Why, why do I have to jump [00:11:00] through hoops to, uh, uh, exercise my second amendment rights? And that’s the problem.

Everybody’s, everybody’s really worried about safety. All the time. Well, we got to be safe. We got to be careful. Freedom. Freedom comes at a cost. It really does.

Kyle Rittenhouse: Well, just the other day we saw the dive more from motor vehicle collisions each year than they do from guns. Oh, that’s true. It’s a proven statistic.

Why aren’t we talking about banning vehicles? If we’re in the business of protecting people and preserving

Gene Valentino: life? Well, that’s true. You could make the same stretch of an analogy that a vehicle is a, is a weapon to then, and therefore why not, uh, Why not? I mean, yeah, I mean you can go crazy with this

Kyle Rittenhouse: can be deemed as a deadly weapon The

Gene Valentino: best government is less government.

It is less authority and control over your rights and entitlements I don’t know how else to say it The only thing I would say is that we got bigger fish to fry this nation polish the atf. Pardon me Abolish the atf. Oh my words [00:12:00] What are you singing music to my ear all of a sudden? I can’t believe it Absolutely.

Absolutely. The, the, there’s a few things that you asked me about my agenda. Uh, we started off because of guns and, uh, was, uh, was the major issue, but, um, I’m, you know, we have in this panhandle, 30 percent fixed income. A lot of them are, are retired military, our military service folks. And many of them, I’m sure your customers, the, the real truth is, is that those poor vets need more protection.

And the Veterans Administration system needs a hard look at what they’re doing. I got buddies of mine who are doctors that, uh, work at the VA. I mean, they’re putting in 12, 14 hour days. Months straight at a time, uh, they’re, the poor, the poor veteran is a, is like a vagabond, uh, backed up in the lobby, trying to see a doctor for hours, getting their tests.

Is this how we’re treating [00:13:00] our veterans that gave their lives? They gave their limbs to us to protect this nation, and they come here, and they’re on the frickin back burner in treatment on health, and we’ve got illegal immigrants getting paid cash to sit on the couch eating bonbons, taking their credit card and the, and the cell, and the cellular phone.

We got it backwards. I’m so excited. I was on the phone last week with Homan, former acting ICE director, He is, um, he was on my podcast twice. We became good friends and he supports me in this race for Congress. So, so how do you fix the veteran situation?

Chris: What’s your, what are your ideas to actually fix the veteran situation?


Gene Valentino: ties into Donald Trump’s agenda. I support the Donald Trump agenda. So here’s the deal. You’re going to do what’s necessary to give parity and balance in the veteran’s system of medical care to that which you and I presumably have outside of the veteran’s system. [00:14:00] That means they aren’t disadvantaged in terms of testing, uh, wellness checks, and, uh, proper, um, proper diagnoses for, um, for care.

People going in because they, Have something wrong with them, have to wait two months just to get a test done, uh, for the diagnosis. They may be dead by then. And, and the most important thing that ties in as extension to that, guys, veteran suicide. Right. We’ve got way too many veterans dying over 22 per day.


Chris: how do we fix that? We fix it by

Gene Valentino: using the best tool we’ve got. I do have a plan for that. As a, as your congressman, I am going to, uh, put in place a recovery plan for the veteran through the Veterans Administration. If the Veterans Administration doesn’t handle it, I’ve got a plan as to how it will be handled.

The veteran must be, uh, brought, uh, mainstreamed, come out of tent city, come out of drug and alcohol over, uh, abuse, and become part of the system [00:15:00] and care about this nation. It’s the same vet that used to tell his sons and daughters, come on, come join us and get involved in the military with me, like I did, like your grandfather did.

Today, uh, son, do me a favor, um, do Why don’t you go study AI or computer technology and find another pathway? That’s true. A lot of, I have a

Chris: lot of, a lot of veteran friends that are in that side. I would never tell my son or daughter to join the military. I am so

Gene Valentino: sad to hear that. Right. Because I came out of a generation where in the early 70s my good buddies, if they didn’t come back dead, some of them came back pretty screwed up.

Right. And during that time they’re coming off a plane from Vietnam and being spat upon by the likes of a Jane Fonda is to me over the top. And ever since then, uh, the, the Vietnam vet was special to me, but, but I think we, We, we, we corrected our bad behavior on that since the [00:16:00] Vietnam era. But let’s just say the Veterans Administration System, when I was your County Commissioner here, I worked with Congressman Jeff Miller to get that VA established here in Pensacola.

And when we did that, I came unglued because we only got a half a loaf. We got a, a, a medical facility. That was an outpatient care type facility, but it wasn’t the full, it wasn’t full 24 7 emergency care with diagnosis. So what’s your

Chris: plan? And the VA here is, is, is, I got a lot of friends that have a lot of complaints with the VA here.

Okay. What’s your plan to fix it? Specific

Gene Valentino: plan is two part. We got to work in concert with the VA. With uh, elon musk and vivek ramaswamy. I’m looking for savings. We save here. We spend here So i’m looking to get through A plan of savings where I can shift the burden of dollars back into what i’d call gentrification the the Revitalization of the poor vet the best salesman the veterans [00:17:00] has to bring in new recruits Is the veteran?

I don’t want to hear Say

Kyle Rittenhouse: again How do you like physically help them? Like what steps do you go to actually rehabilitating that? Yeah. Well, I

Gene Valentino: experienced that personally. Okay. I’ll share something that I don’t normally share. I’m a recovered alcoholic. I’ve been sober for 21 years. And when I, and when I think, when I go into an AA meeting, I could have a judge or a lawyer on one side of me.

I could have a skid row bum on the other side of me and we’re listening to the same message. And the message is a spiritual one based on recovery. And if I didn’t have that spiritual program of recovery in place, I wouldn’t have been your county commissioner, uh, 10, 14 years ago. But I would use that kind of system to answer your question.

I would use that kind of system to help gentrify that poor soul and mainstream him again. [00:18:00] Now, I can’t help him. One basic rule. I can’t help you if you don’t want to help yourself, right? You got it. Yeah, there’s a certain amount of I mean I can only help you so much if you want to die and kill Yourself have a ball, but i’m here to help you if you want to recover.

Chris: So what? Specific legislation would you try to get through to help the veterans a specific? Or just veterans. Well, there’s two parts this area We’re all

Techy Taylor: on the same page that we agree that there is a problem problem and I think we agree that there needs to be a solution for it. So

Gene Valentino: I’ve talked to it from the doctor delivery provider side at the VA, I’ve talked to it from the patient side, and I’ve talked to rehab and wellness facilities that have tears in their eyes, grown men crying because their best buddy just put a 9mm up their mouth.

I mean, it happens quite often. This, this is, this is, uh, over the top. So you got, you eat the elephant from a few sides at the same time is what I’m saying. From the recovery side, you deal with the [00:19:00] veteran and you turn him into a salesman that helps bring in the new generation of enlistees into the United States military with pride and honor.

You turn around and use some of that money to rehab and fix the very buildings. What,

Chris: what money are you, are you speaking of? The Defense

Gene Valentino: Department has over, in Florida alone, in the VA, I have through an independent group already qualified 450 million dollars of waste. For That exists in florida alone.

So it must be billions nationwide, right? 450 million dollars alone of mismanaged overspending overspending redundancy in process duplicative efforts To trying to get that patient through the system. There’s efficiencies that inefficiencies that exist because of the lack of Cooperation, if you will, between different agencies and vendor [00:20:00] groups that need to consolidate.

I came out of a technology business that succeeded because the technology integrated with other technologies. I know firsthand how to, how to get down into the weeds and look at the backend of the system of how a health, uh, how a patient is processed in the system. There is redundancies of paperwork and electronic.

Um, uh, management information systems that need not exist. We, I could spend another hour just getting it into you with you, because one of my companies I used to own was, uh, Collector Solutions. And we wrote software that integrated with disparate different products. Um, Uh, Uh, major billing, uh, uh, entities such as tax collectors, water utility authorities.

And so being able to be elastic enough to get into those different, uh, uh, management information software is the same thinking that applies to the VA as it relates to streamlining the process. [00:21:00] If you streamline the process, I’ve got more time for staff to help that poor 14 hour a day doctor care for more patients.

And it’s a ripple effect

Chris: as you see. So, so basically you’re, you’re saying that we just need to find the way, spin that wasteful, use that, that extra. Money and streamline the process of the VA. Is there any specific legislation that you would try to file that would, uh, That would do any of that. Is there any Exponate or enact that, that specific I call,

Gene Valentino: it’s my name.

I just put an, I’ve got a file at home and it’s called the Veteran Recovery Act. And the Veteran Recovery Act is something I’ve already taught. I’ve put calls into Marjorie Taylor Greene. Marjorie Taylor Greene, by the way, who went up to the detention facilities with, with Matt Gates when those, um, Uh, alleged illegal protestors were on Capitol Hill on January 6th.

They were all inappropriately, unfortunately detained [00:22:00] and only recently now a pathway for their, for them getting released. Um, I got off the subject, but Marjorie Taylor Greene on behalf of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson is looking at the, on the House side, what Elon Musk and, uh, Vivek Ramaswamy are going to do on the, Uh, Doge side under, so to answer your question, through Marjorie Taylor Greene and some other House Ways and Means committees, there will be a, an effort on my part to find the rights, where to take my concept and my solution and from within what agency do I go to execute?

Do I go straight to the VA, which by the way, Jeff Miller used to be head of? Or do I go to some other agency that’s allocating money into the VA? Is there another, is there another protocol I should be looking at, uh, with the veterans? What

Kyle Rittenhouse: about, Gene, if this is a bill you’re truly introduced to getting legislative, you’re truly interested in getting [00:23:00] introduced, why not filing the bill if you are elected?

with everything you want laid out on it, but not compromising on what you have laid on it, out on it, break, getting it past committee, getting it past everything, but forcing a roll call vote, even if you don’t know if you’re going to win that bill, just to see who you need to put political pressure on. So you can get them to change that voting.

Gene Valentino: Okay. No

Kyle Rittenhouse: problem.

Gene Valentino: And now I understand where you go. The answer is yes. I mean, get a lay of the land. I want to, you know, if we can ride on four different pathways at the same time to get the solution underway, I’ll be happy to do that. Uh, I’m not, um, I don’t have to be right. Compromising in politics. No, absolutely nowhere.

Yeah. So one of the things I like most about Matt Gates is that he didn’t, did he? He stood on his own. He stood on his own. Um, on turf.

Chris: Pissed a lot of people off. You know, I

Gene Valentino: pissed a lot of people off when I was county commissioner, right? I [00:24:00] wasn’t in it for a popularity con con, um, contest or a CI wasn’t a career path politician.

I came out of the business sector and made my money. Then I went into politics. I’m gonna do that again. I just have, uh, but to answer Kyle’s question, I think you there, the, the right approach is what I said before. You gotta know when to use a feather. And you gotta know when to use the chainsaw. And the issue is, when, uh, who I’m dealing with, parallel paths, I’m wide open.

I, in fact, I don’t need to be right. I need to get it fixed. If my way is wrong, educate me. I’m wide open. I’m listening. But if I’m, but I’m, but I’ve got to take this to the floor and get other people to buy in, right? I mean, for her. I mean,

Kyle Rittenhouse: yeah, but the first step is getting that roll call vote so you can put political pressure because you want to know who your friends and enemies are.

Oh, that’s true. That’s true. You want to know who’s going to vote with you because you have those people.

Chris: Give

Kyle Rittenhouse: me,

Chris: give me,

Gene Valentino: January 28th, you just vote for me, hurry up and [00:25:00] become a resident, vote for me January 28th, you get my butt in there, and then I’ll be glad to follow your marching orders and what I need to do to win that, because I think it’s a serious issue.

Chris: What, so, let’s ask this, what is your, let’s say you’re elected. Day one, what is your number one issue, your number one priority on day one? Top dead center of your to

Gene Valentino: do list. There are two or three of them in parallel. I think, like Donald Trump says, you can chew, walk gum, chew and walk gum, chew and walk at the same time.

The bottom line is, reinstate that border. I don’t think,

Chris: I don’t think that’s going to be an issue. There’s going to be so many congressmen that are pushing for that. I don’t think there’s, it’s

Gene Valentino: already underway as you’re correct. In fact, it’s already underway. I spoke to, as I mentioned earlier, I spoke to Tom Holman and he said to me, listen, Gene, if you know anybody.

That wants to, uh, get back into ice with us. Let us know. I, I know some folks [00:26:00] that actually left, uh, ice, uh, uh, and border patrol work because of the Biden administration. They were demoralized and left that now I said two or three of them recently Here’s tom’s number call him up. He told me to send him your way Send you his to him to re re enlist re up Uh, and I mean I can see a movement now people coming back online To want to serve this nation that walked away from this nation thinking it was failing.

So you ask, you ask me a question, what’s on your list? I still believe that the border and protecting our, the national security of our border comes first. Okay. In parallel with it is, uh, is the, um, the deep state, uh, swamp that Mr. Trump has been talking about. This to me is not just about elected officials.

This is about a bureaucratic regime guys. that goes down four or five decades [00:27:00] of bureaucrats working in Washington. Oh, here comes a new Congressman Valentino. He’ll be here a few years. We’ll blow him out. We’ll, we’ll just tolerate it and work around him. Oh no. Now this, that those bureaucrats who are sitting in those seats, And Donald Trump has said it, and I support it.

They gotta do an enema on that place, guys. They gotta go down four or five levels and extricate those bad actors, some of whom were controlling your rights. Do you remember the Chevron decision a few weeks ago? The Chevron decision said to DEP, you’ve overreached with your authority in the way you’re regulating.

Back off. It was a big win. for the Chevron company. It’s um, It’s what’s happening under the new Supreme Court and under the new administration. The overreach of the agencies of government has gone too far. And we didn’t even discuss education, but the [00:28:00] shutting down of education at the national level is okay with me too, and letting it reside at the state level.

So the

Chris: problem and, and what we see is when a new congressman gets in, we know exactly what happens. Me and Kyle both have, uh, friends in Washington that have been there. I worked in Washington for a little while. Did you? Yes, sir. What, uh, that explains

Kyle Rittenhouse: so much, Chris. Yeah. I,

Chris: I, I worked for, uh, uh, Robert Ater Holt.

Okay. Uh, and congressman. I was in Alabama for just a little while, so I know what goes on there. What happens is when a new congressman comes in, there’s a lot of pressure that gets put on them. One. They try to get you in a situation so they can blackmail you 100%. They try to bribe you. They try to see what’s going, what, what they can get you on, get some blackmail on you.

If they, if you don’t fall for that, what happens after that is they blackball you. They, they don’t let you pass any legislation. They don’t let you bring up any legislation. Who’s they? Who’s they? They, the establishment.

Gene Valentino: The establishment right now [00:29:00] is the deep state, and under the Democrat, uh, admin, uh, control.

It’s not just Democrats. Well, there’s a RINO group, uh, the Mitch McConnell’s haven’t helped Rick Scott out any, I’ll give you that. Mitch McConnell is

Chris: one of the biggest establishment, uh, players up there, and what happens is I would say a

Kyle Rittenhouse: majority of them aren’t true conservatives.

Chris: Right, and, and, and if leadership comes at you, And tells you to back off of this or stop this and you don’t listen to them They won’t put you in committee.

They won’t give you any seats. They won’t let you represent your uh, District very well. We see that all the time. They’ll put you on crappy assignments crappy committees and and that’s what happens That’s correct. How do you combat that?

Gene Valentino: Well, I started the conversation. I wish you had had the chance to know me.

I was very successful in business I Uh, I was on several boards, I am on several boards of directors and I was the CEO of a company that took from nothing up to 350 million and [00:30:00] sold it four years ago. To answer your question, it’s what I meant when I said you gotta know when to use a feather and when to use a hammer or a chainsaw.

The master stroke of genius lies in the guy named Donald Trump. Donald Trump. That is how you do it to answer your question. He knows when to call you out, even embarrass you, take you on in public, insult you with vile names, which many of us, many of the wives don’t absolutely like, but you know what? He was successful.

He had a dislodge and institution. I plan to do the same,

Techy Taylor: but I

Gene Valentino: don’t, but I, just to finish my sentence, I will not. You can’t own me. I said that when I was commissioner locally. All the downtown crowd said to me, well now, let us commissioner, if you want to be commissioner, look, I need you to do this, this, and this, and we’ve got a few thousand [00:31:00] bucks here for you for your campaign.

Hold on, I said. Hold on. Sell me on your idea with passion, with the facts, and do it hard. Let me hear your points. And I’ll be the best dog in the fight you ever have had and it won’t cost you a dime. But don’t try to sell me, don’t try to control me or use me. And I’ll tell you gentlemen, Matt Gaetz had that problem and so did Gene Valentino when he was county commissioner.

Chris: And what we saw

Gene Valentino: You are correct. People will come at you when they feel they can’t control you. This is a shortcoming in a constitutional republic, and we need barriers and penalties in place when people are pushed to not act, to act for an individual self serving gain. What kind of barriers? I would suggest a constitutional amendment.

That for the [00:32:00] first time deals with penalties for wrongdoing. We’ve got 27 amendments to this constitution that in some way, shape or form deal with rights, entitlements, privilege, okay, protection. But none of those 27 amendments deals with a person who does you wrong. Who’s going to go after Nancy Pelosi for misusing her stock investment strategy from votes, uh, she makes on the House floor?

And the next thing you know, she’s been invested in into or out of certain companies.

Chris: So would you make it illegal, uh, to do any kind of, uh, trading at that level?

Gene Valentino: It’s an absolute conflict of interest. The answer is yes. Absolutely. Would you

Chris: actually file that bill? Because no one, why, how come no one’s actually pushed that?

No one has done it up to this point. Yeah,

Gene Valentino: well, they haven’t pushed term limits until recently either, right? So, I mean, let’s eat that elephant one bite at a time. I, [00:33:00] I think we got to do that term limit thing. Okay, so I’m 71 years of age. I’m not going to be a career politician. Two, three terms. What’s that?

Four to six years. Right. That’s enough. Let me, let me set it up like Matt Gaetz did, and with the same philosophy, and hand off, like a baton in a relay race, hand off to the next qualified candidate.

Chris: I’m with you on term limits. There’s So that’s

Gene Valentino: just one point. Sure. I think we all are on term limits.

Chris: I don’t think, the problem is, is everybody is always talking about term limits, term limits, but no one, how come we never get that through?

It always gets squashed. It never comes up for a vote. Right.

Kyle Rittenhouse: Yeah. Chris, that’s a paycheck. What are you talking about? Right. Right.

Gene Valentino: Well, uh, anybody using an elective, my campaign is being run primarily on my own money because I do not want to, you’ll check my finance reports, you’ll see that, uh, these campaigns, uh, uh, can run up to 2 million for a congressional [00:34:00] race.

That money’s coming out of my pocket. I am not going to allow myself to be swayed. And, and, and by the way, kudos again to Matt Gaetz. He wouldn’t allow certain PAC money to be used to influence him. He, he held the ground, he was on neutral ground in that. I give him credit for that. Uh, and I wish him well on his new career at OAN.

That’s where I understand he’s heading.

Chris: Yeah, he’s got his own show there. Yeah. Matt Gates show should be

Gene Valentino: good. Uh, but you know, uh, to your first point, I think we need the 28th amendment to the Constitution, which puts penalties in place if a congressman or woman does not balance a budget. If a congressman or woman uses his influence and authority or insight over his legislative process, what’s called fiduciary capacity, sure.

If he does something with, within his. In his fiduciary capacity and then calls up the broker, Hey, Charlie, buy an extra uh, thousand shares of Nvidia. Go

Techy Taylor: short. Go

Gene Valentino: short on Nvidia. [00:35:00] Go short on N Yeah, exactly. Or Bitcoin or whatever you your, your

Chris: point. Yeah. How do you, how do you regulate that E even, I mean, you can’t.

How do you know that he called his buddy and, uh, told him he needs to go short on this or go hard on this? I mean, it’s obvious when Nancy Pelosi is her husband’s trading. There’s actually financial groups that follow everything that he does.

Techy Taylor: Heck, there’s a, there’s a thing where you can pay to have some politicians trades as your trades.

Right. So that you can, you can gain and they’re doing quite well in financial gain on that. Right. Just

Gene Valentino: remember, gentlemen, It was James Clapper and John Brennan, CIA and NSAN, national Intelligence Service. Two leaders who convinced 51 other intelligence Officer o officers that Donald Trump was, uh, was a, a colluding with Russia and that he was using, and it was on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

And the, the Hunter Biden [00:36:00] laptop was a Russian hoax, right? And made up. And the only guy that stepped up in the House of Representatives was Matt Gaetz with a drive in his hands going like this in front of one of the, um, the people, I think it was in the FBI, denying that the Hunter Biden laptop ever existed.

And he said, here is the, here is the copy on the C drive, folks, of all of the stuff related to Russian, Russian collusion. Mr. Speaker, I enter this into evidence, he said. And that is what I’m talking about. The bad actors who are abusing their privilege that you and I, if you give me the privilege of running, being your congressman, I expect you to hold my feet to the coals, but you’re not going to have a hard time because I’m, I think I’ve already shown you I’m going to be pretty damn transparent.

You need to know what, what, and I’m going to use you as you check on me. I’m going to use you to help get the message [00:37:00] out when I think someone’s doing it and doing wrong, because I, it can’t be just about me, uh, going up against the, the, the, the tsunami coming at me. I’m going to need your help fighting that fight.

Chris: Absolutely. There’s no way that I, if you’re, if you actually go there, you’re And fight the fight then you will because they’re going to come out with every single every pitch for every pitch for they’re going to come up with anything that you’ve ever done anyone you’ve ever looked at wrong and they’ve done that with Matt.

over and over and over again. And people ask me all the time, since I know Matt, uh, uh, very well, they asked me, well, is it true? What they’re saying is true. It was like, if it was true, they would have already, uh, they would, uh, they would have brought charges. They would have gotten him, uh, uh, they would have gotten everything public and they never have.

So it’s all speculation. Well, it’s all made up. Yeah. So, That’s what I say. So whoever gets in there is going to need our help if they’re truly going to go in there and clean house. Yes, sir. Gene, we’re, we’re running [00:38:00] short on time. I wish we had two hours with you. My request of

Gene Valentino: you. Yes, sir. If I have the privilege, and I plan to have the privilege to be your congressman, We invite me back and keep me and, and keep me in check and ask me,

Chris: I’m going to be

Gene Valentino: texting

Chris: you about once a week.

Trust me. You’re going to wish you never gave me your

Gene Valentino: office. Yeah, right. Kyle, you’re more than welcome. I’d love to see you in person. You probably won’t

Kyle Rittenhouse: like me too much after that. Well, at least let me say I won’t let you go. I want to ask you one question. Um, one question I’ve been wanting to ask is why should people vote for you over the Trump endorsed candidate?

Techy Taylor: Same question I wanted to ask. So good.

Gene Valentino: I represent the people with a proven track record. Number one, I live in the district. Number two, I have a proven record of success for the people in this area. Number three, [00:39:00] I have a desire to fix the problem Mr. Petronius created. He is chief, was chief financial officer of the state of Florida.

And under his jurisdiction, 100 percent control over the insurance industry. We have an insurance crisis in Florida. We do.

Main Speaker: Absolutely. I don’t care

Gene Valentino: if you’re in Key West. I don’t care if you’re in Jacksonville. I don’t care if you’re in Pensacola. Everybody’s talking about an insurance crisis on the business and personal side.

The problem has to

Kyle Rittenhouse: do in Florida. Pardon me? What’s that? What’s that? I said don’t even get me started on medical bill pricing. Thank

Chris: you. I happen to know a little bit about you’ll find you’ll find out about the uh, uh, Home insurance crisis we have real

Gene Valentino: soon. I happen to know a little bit about it

Kyle Rittenhouse: covered under my lease

Gene Valentino: I happen to know a little bit about it [00:40:00] because before I came to pensacola 35 years ago I was an instructor in the insurance department for the licensing courses for the new agents coming in.

My earlier days trade, the trade I knew very well was insurance. I was pretty good at it. And so I helped the agent, the rookies get licensed. But I also had an insight on insurance that I don’t think anybody I’ve seen Coming through the door has I have a solution for the insurance crisis in Florida that mr.

Patronus created it was Donald Trump in March of 2023 who was DeSantis was still his opponent at that time And when DeSantis was his opponent for president, it was Trump that said to DeSantis and Patronus, you’ve created an obscene scam in the insurance industry and a crisis that is global in nature and you [00:41:00] should be ashamed of yourself.

It was Donald Trump who accused Patronus of malfeasance on the job here in Florida. And now, you’ll have to ask Donald Trump, because I don’t understand why. I think this was, um, something that happened at a staff level.

Chris: That was gonna be my next question. He knew where we were going with this. I understand.

Why would he endorse it? Look,

Gene Valentino: I still love Donald Trump, and he gets 110 percent of my support because I believe in his policies. Principles before personalities. And donald trump is on target and has saved this nation He did so he saved the republican party He saved this nation the last this in this election There’s only one other guy I have in this generation that we’re talking with and that’s ronald reagan I’d like to see a new mount rushmore Somewhere in the grand some canyon somewhere separate from the existing mount rushmore That it has two figures trump [00:42:00] Because they saved the Republican conservative initiative in this nation.

I submit they saved democracy and this constitutional republic.

Chris: Now, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll agree with you with Trump, uh, on Reagan. I’m going to have to disagree. He’s been so bad on gun control. I can’t, uh, I can’t agree with you on Reagan. He’s part of the problem. Here comes the fire. We’re gonna let him pass on that one.

There’s a lot of Republicans that’ll disagree and don’t understand, uh, exactly what Reagan did Reagan did. Reagan economics on a different level. Reagan economics is great. Reagan economics.

Gene Valentino: Each one of us had our own little areas of good, of scorecard good. And Reagan was good on the, pardon me? I wasn’t born.

Kind of makes my point.

Chris: Gene, before we go, I gotta ask you about one thing. Um, you guys did a town hall down in Navarre last week. I wasn’t able to go. I was with Kyle and the guys. We were at Demo [00:43:00] Ranch’s range day having a lot more fun than you guys were having. Um, shooting machine guns. But, uh, everyone, all the candidates showed up except for Jimmy Petronas.

Gene Valentino: Yeah.

Chris: Um, what did, since he doesn’t actually live in the district, he’s going to have to move over. He’s going to have to lease a place 20 miles from where he actually lives to, to run. And then there’s a town hall that you guys all showed up to. You’re all going. How did it make you feel that he tried he phoned it in and then didn’t take any questions once he got

Gene Valentino: Yeah, it was he he alleges he was on a limited time anyway And I think the republican party’s putting this together.

We’re trying to accommodate them. I commend them for trying to Accommodate them. Look the law says you don’t have to live in the district, right? You go say you go talk to the four county the people in the four counties of this district And tell you how they feel about it. There’s a lot upset. I’m here for three reasons For 35 years, I’m on the ground, I know the turf, I know [00:44:00] the roads, I know the people, I know the issues.

We touched on about 30 percent of my plan. I look forward to a longer discussion with you where I can lay out a true plan. Do I plan to get 100 percent of it through Congress? Well, I wish I could. Right. But I’m gonna be, like Kyle was suggesting, I’m gonna have to find ways of getting this thing, uh, getting consensus.

I’ve got to buy into some other people’s ideas so that they The vinegar

Kyle Rittenhouse: method works really well for that by the way. What’s that? The vinegar method works very well for getting those issues passed. Educate that. What’s that? The vinegar method. I don’t know it. Don’t be nice to them. Double down, double down, double down political pressure and make their entire world spin up against them.


Gene Valentino: okay. Yeah. And I won’t be a long term politician then, but I don’t want to be, I’ll do it. Like I said, four to six years, four to six years. So that’s normal. So, but I

Kyle Rittenhouse: like to remind politicians that they work for us and they’re going to do what we say one way or the other. And let

Gene Valentino: that be the point to [00:45:00] your earlier question.

I work for the people in this district. He’s being used as a political pawn in a swap meet of, uh, of patronizing, uh, political jobs as sort of a trade deal. Jimmy Patronis needs to tear up his resignation, get back with, with Mr. DeSantis, get back in the seat as CFO of this state, and fix the insurance crisis.

And if he doesn’t, I will. It’ll be done through the revocation or modification of the McCarran Ferguson Act, which is another 10 minute conversation, where the federal government pushed regulation of insurance onto the states, all 50 states. It just so happens the way it’s, it’s, Underwritten, uh, statutory reserves and actuarial, uh, issues, um, adverse selection is so much a problem in Florida as compared to other states.

Now, [00:46:00] California’s a close second with earthquakes and mudslides, but, uh, and forest fires. And other areas of the nation have other issues. We need a nationalized insurance policy. No, I’m not in favor of Obamacare, but there is, that’s different. I’m talking about a national. pool of money to handle the claim.

So when you file your claim, your rate doesn’t go up 700, your premium doesn’t go up 700 percent, if they didn’t cancel you. Instead, it might have gone up four to six percent, like the national flood insurance policy. Flood insurance is the only exception in the entire industry. It’s a national policy.

It’s funded by all policyholders of the United States of America. So the impact of you filing a claim for flood is not, uh, impactful in the fund that [00:47:00] exists. Your claim is paid. You’re not abusing the system. Your rate may go up two to four percent, but it’s not like it goes up 700 percent or that they cancel you.

Like what happens 80 percent of the time in Florida. So you want to nationalize medical insurance? Nationalize the underwriting and statutory reserve funds. For all insurance the big it’s called another

Kyle Rittenhouse: tax.

Gene Valentino: No, in fact, it reduces tax This is called the law of large numbers. This is a bigger pool The bigger the pool the lower The risk threshold in underwriting and reserves the state under mccarran ferguson right now Controls the reserves at the state level and as the problem with that is You It’s Florida.

Even though we’ve got 25 million people, we’re getting hurricanes and tornadoes and floods and windstorms. Why the state of Florida had to step in and [00:48:00] create Citizens Insurance, a quasi, uh, private public insurance company to handle

Chris: windstorms. Gene, and we’re running short on time, but I can’t let this, uh, I need an answer.

On this. So we’ve nationalized a lot of things. The VA is nationalized. Um, when you get

Kyle Rittenhouse: it,

Chris: right, when you get into national, the department of education, for example, are you not concerned if you nationalize insurance, uh, that way that the federal government’s going to screw it up just like they do with social security, anything else?

Yeah, that’s a

Gene Valentino: good question. That’s a very good question. The answer is it can be. But here’s what I know. It’s really screwed up now. In, in the state of Florida and in 49 other states. Because of the way they’re handling it. I have a system to let the state still have the control on underwriting, statutory reserves, licensing, and bad behavior oversight.

[00:49:00] Fine. Let that exist at the state level like they do in real estate. But in the concept of fund, in the concept of money, the bigger the pool, the lower the risk. I

Chris: understand that. I understand exactly where you’re coming from and it, it sounds great, but anything going to the federal level scares me very much.

So we

Gene Valentino: started the conversation saying less government is better, right? Absolutely. I do think there’s a place for streamlining, like the department of transportation. There’s standard rules about what the concrete is between going from Florida over to Alabama. It’s not like Alabama can come in and say, I don’t like the way Florida is building their highway.

We’re going to use, uh, a different kind of asphalt or concrete. No, there’s a national standard that’s, it’s called the National Highway System and it’s run across the entire country. The same, I’m a pilot. I fly an airplane. By the way, those drones is a topic for another day.

Chris: I would love to have you back on to [00:50:00] talk about that.

That would be fun. That would be a separate interview. That would be, yeah,

Gene Valentino: that’d be a little more fun, I think. You’re welcome. I know I’ve run over, so No, you’re okay. I thank you for your time. Uh, I’m Gene Valentino and I’m running for United States Congress, Matt Gaetz’s district. Uh, he vac he’s vacating, uh, District 1.

And, uh, I’d like to be your congressman. I don’t need the job, I want the job, and I’m in the district. I’ve been here 35 years, I know the character of the people and the issues, I’m best able to handle it. I come out of the corporate world, so I know how to, you Manage, uh, people and when to use the feather and when to use the chainsaw.

Just call me Donald Trump. Gene, are these policies on your website? Yes. That, um, thank you for saying that. I go to, um, uh, Valentino for congress. com. And there you’ll see my top five policies. If you’d like to see all of my thinking, there’s a link there to GeneValentino. com, which is where I do my work, show my [00:51:00] Newsmax and Fox News interviews, and all the other stuff I do on podcasting.

Also on the top toolbar, it says, Geno’s. Second Bill of Rights. The second Bill of Rights I created has eleven more amendments to the Constitution. A little tongue in cheek. One addresses a definition of what an American citizen is. One addresses how you become an American citizen. One addresses the bad behavior we talked about earlier of elected officials abusing their fiduciary capacity for personal gain.

One of them addresses, um, the border. Okay? And so if you go there and study that, I would welcome an email back to me. You click respond here if you want. And I would love input. It ain’t about me, it’s about we. I’d thrown it out there. I’m probably 30 40 percent wrong on some stuff and I really do hope you come forward to Give me some input

Chris: if you guys can’t get a hold of gene [00:52:00] that way his personal number is 85 and i’m just kidding

Gene Valentino: My personal number is 8 5 4 2 0 5 5.

Oh wow. And you feel free to call me anytime. Oh wow. If I don’t answer the phone, I might be talking to you, . That’s fine. It’s a good possibility. Gene,

Chris: thank you so much for coming on our show. We appreci appreciate your time. It was great meeting you. Appreciate it. And uh, we will be in touch definitely. If you win, we will.

Yeah, well definitely You know what we could do, you know what I would like

Gene Valentino: and I was going to do it on my podcast But we can simulcast it maybe is to do um, sort of a week in review And sort of a 30 minute a little tighter maybe 15 to 30 minutes I could simulcast from washington or pensacola if i’m home and uh give you sort of a I did it when I was commissioner.

I called it Coffee with the Commissioner. I’d have coffee shops around the district and we’d go out to the different coffee shops and people caught up with me every week. We did it twice a week and rotated through [00:53:00] different coffee shops. Let’s do it in the technology world of today and streaming. Let’s do it on a simulcast between my podcast system and yours and let’s agree to a weekly update.


Chris: be a lot of fun. I like it. It’ll be some fun. We can call it,

Techy Taylor: Kyle Keeps

Chris: Gene Accountable. Kyle Sprite brought Milo out, so he’s gonna steal the show. We’re gonna have a go. Alright guys, uh, that’s it, uh, Gene Valentino for, uh, District 1, uh, congressional seat. So you having me. Thank you

Kyle Rittenhouse: for joining us.

Gene Valentino: I appreciate you guys. God bless America. Let’s get this thing turned around.

Main Speaker: So we interviewed legitimate candidates for Matt Gaetz’s seat. So we didn’t interview guys that just have no, not a chance in hell. There’s like nine people running for this spot. This would have been a five and a half hour.

Three of them

Techy Taylor: will get five votes. But the four that we’d. The three, the three that we talked to and the fourth that we talked at.

Kyle Rittenhouse: Okay, two of them will have some pretty good [00:54:00] votes. Three of them will have some pretty good votes.

Main Speaker: And then patronus Look, there’s a lot of people out there endorsing him, but they they’re establishment politicians I have a real problem with what this guy is standing for and what he’s doing right now because Yeah, he got endorsed by trump.

But do you guys think trump actually called the guy himself?

Techy Taylor: I think a low level staffer probably told trump who to endorse endorse on that I

Main Speaker: mean, that’s the case, right? And then this guy’s going to literally hide in his basement, not answer any questions. And he doesn’t even live in the district. I keep hearing, Oh, I know what’s great for the Florida panhandle.

Not for district one. You don’t because you don’t live here. I hate when people move to an area. Just to run for office and this guy’s gonna move like 20 miles He’s gonna rent a house somewhere so he can say he lives in the district by the time You know if he does get elected by the time he takes office He’ll live 20 miles inside the disparate district, but let’s think about this So a [00:55:00] representative has to do more than just vote on the district on federal laws.

They actually, you know, they get money allocated for their district. They get resources allocated for their district. This guy owns, uh, businesses in a another district when he’s up there lobbying for you, when he’s up there doing things at a federal level, do you think he’s going to care about district one or the district that he actually grew up in?

And he actually has a business in the one that

Techy Taylor: benefits his pocketbook is going to be the one that. That gets the benefit from him.

Main Speaker: Yeah. And he’s getting endorsements from all these freaking establishment politicians. Of course, of course, you get Michelle Salzman. She’s such a freaking joke, dude. .

 She’s, she came out and endorsed this guy. Uh, there’s been, uh, Sheriff Johnson endorsed him. Like he was called, somebody called and told him like, Hey, go and go endorse Jimmy Patronus cause

Techy Taylor: he’s the Trump guy.

Trump said he’s good to go.

Main Speaker: So this guy will answer the phone call for all these establishment politicians, but he won’t talk to the public, he won’t talk to any of his constituents. [00:56:00] And the problem I have is if he’s this hard to get a hold of when he’s campaigning and he won’t answer any questions now, imagine when he’s actually in office and you need something from this guy.

Trying to do what

Techy Taylor: we elected him to do.

Main Speaker: And you can say anything you want about Matt Gaetz, but his staffer and, and Matt were, um, Always available

Techy Taylor: all over the the suppressors forever to get approved. They fit. I think we

Kyle Rittenhouse: got Matt on the day before we like the day we talked about it. We texted him and we got him on the next day.

Main Speaker: Please don’t fall for this. Hey, I got endorsed by Trump. Do we want Trump to go around and appoint all of our representatives? I want to say in it.

That’s essentially what’s going on right here. He’s just going to appoint this guy. We’re going to let this guy get away with this. Um, my I’m voting. I’m either voting voting for Joel or I’m voting for Valentino. I’m not I’m not sure which way I’m going to go yet. I’ve known Joel

Techy Taylor: a long time, but What Valentino had to say [00:57:00] really, really resonated.

I really, I really,

Main Speaker: I really didn’t think I was gonna like him. I thought he was just gonna be like a post politician.

Techy Taylor: Yeah, I was thinking it was gonna be an old fud. He was just gonna, you know, get up there and him haul around it. And no, what he had to say struck true for me. And

Main Speaker: he’s very intelligent. He was a very intelligent individual.

Joel, you know, uh, Joel, Joel, Joel, he gets politician y from time to time, but Joel has been very good for the second amendment in the state of Florida. Like very, very, you can say a lot of things about Joel, uh, Uh, Joel Rudman, by the way, y’all saw the interview with him. But Joel has stood up for the second amendment.

He’s filed bills that were pro second amendment that no one else would file. He’s, he’s made speeches about it. He’s stood up to, uh, leadership about it. He’s done a lot of things there. So I don’t have anything bad to say about Joel, except he’s goofy. Uh, I. He got that

Techy Taylor: black fingernail polish thing going on.

[00:58:00] Ah, well, whatever. He swears that was a one time thing. Yeah. He did, he

Kyle Rittenhouse: did tell us he wasn’t a

Techy Taylor: transvestite. He was willing to come on the show and admit that. He thinks he’s a rock star.

Main Speaker: He, he really, he’s in a band and everything. He thinks he’s a rock star. Uh, so, um, guys, just for me, Look into Joel Rudman.

Look into Gene Valentino. Those are my two options. 100%. Those guys are gonna be, we’re gonna be able to get a hold of those guys. Those guys are going to do what they say they’re going to do. They, they’ve both proved that so far.

All right, guys, vote your conscience. Actually pay attention. See what’s happening. This is a very big election. We need a representative that will actually represent us. Um, I’m going to go ahead and say really look hard at Jill Rudman and Gene Valentino. Taylor, you want to, you, you, you endorsing anybody?

Okay. Bye.

Techy Taylor: I don’t mind coming out and say, based on the conversation that I had with Gene Valentino, unless something insane happens between now and the election, I’m voting for [00:59:00] Gene.

Main Speaker: I gotta have some conversations with, with Joel. Yeah. Um, I need to have some, he, Joel, Joel’s been a good guy. Like, we’ve, as a state representative, he’s done everything.

Joel did a lot of, Gene gave

Techy Taylor: very businessman like answers. Yeah. Which I can appreciate and I can relate to. Joel gave very politician like answers.

Main Speaker: No, yes,

Techy Taylor: that’s, that’s true. It was very well presented, very well delivered, but it felt rehearsed instead of, okay, he asked that I’m going to pull this out of my pocket and here’s my response.

Main Speaker: Very much. I’d never met Gene before. He didn’t even know who Kyle was when he came on. It was like, who’s that? He was like, Oh, okay. So Gene, Gene came onto our podcast, not having a clue. Uh, what he was walking into, and he also just came on so he could get out and meet the constituents. So it was great. He had no clue that this was going to get out to hundreds of thousands of people, right?

And uh, and I mean, we put him through the wringer and he, and he did a pretty, he impressed

Kyle Rittenhouse: me. He held his own. He did a good job.

Main Speaker: He really [01:00:00] did do it. He did a great job. Kyle, are you just from interviews? Are you endorsing anybody?

Kyle Rittenhouse: So if I, Gene is probably the person I would have to vote for. Valentino, that’s the somebody, that’s who I’m gonna be voting for when I move down there.

Main Speaker: The interviews. Vote your conscience, do your research. Don’t vote for that guy. January

Kyle Rittenhouse: 28th, go out and vote, do your civic duty. And make informed decisions. This is how you can make a change. Absolutely. Have a great one.



Replacing Matt Gaetz, an Interview with Congressional Candidate Gene Valentino on The Tactically Inappropriate Podcast

Gene Valentino on Kyle Rittenhouse Presents: Tactically Inappropriate


  • Originally Recorded on January 8, 2025
  • America Beyond the Noise: Season 5, Episode 563
  • Image courtesy of: Kyle Rittenhouse Presents: Tactically Inappropriate
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