Newsmax Team Analysis – 1 Day Before Historic Results

Gene Valentino on NEWSMAX Newsline

A look back to right before the election and it’s Historic Results as Gene and the rest of the Newsmax team were gear up for the election!

A quick analysis from Tom Basile and Gene Valentino, the day before a historic election that will transform this nation.


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Newsmax Team Analysis – 1 Day Before Historic Results

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Bianca de la Garza: Hi, everybody. I’m Bianca Del La Garza, and you have to check out Gene Valentino’s grassroots Truthscast podcast. I was a guest. He has the best guests. Always check him out.

Donald Trump: But I’d like to begin by asking a very simple question. Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

Bianca de la Garza: Time ago, that was Donald Trump asking that question. His first rally of the day was in Raleigh, North Carolina, and now he is off to Michigan and ending the night. Uh, actually ending the night Michigan, but making some stops in Pennsylvania. Let’s bring in our panel host of America right now, Tom Basile, also GOP political strategist and insider Gene Valentino.

He’s also the host of the GrassRoots TruthCast podcast. Hey guys, good to see you both. Hey, Bianca. Hey, you. Alright, Donald Trump on the road today making um, you know, economy a focus. Uh, what [00:02:00] do you make, Tom? I know you did some digging on this. This Des Moines Register poll, uh, many say that it was just oversampling of Democrats.

An outlier here, but of course, uh, legacy media jumped all over it.

Tom Basile: Oh, absolutely. And look, you have to be very careful about pulling data late in the cycle like this that may have some fuzzy math when it comes to the sample because it is a voter manipulation tactic. It could be a voter suppression tactic when you see something, when you see something like that.

Uh, my sources did, did indicate that. In two of the election and two of the congressional districts that Democrats were wildly, uh, oversampled, uh, and it also sort of discounts an increase of more of nearly six percent, uh, in terms of early voting among Republicans and decreases that they’ve seen so far in Democrats in the state of Iowa.

Um, the folks that I talked to in Iowa said, seem to believe that this is very much an outlier. But of course, as you [00:03:00] mentioned, Bianca, the left wing media was all over it yesterday.

Donald Trump: Yeah. And you’re working on from like independent pollster, Robert Cahaley, who’s saying some people, you know, when they’re asking about tropical, what are you doing with this information?

Like they’re worried about the pollsters are giving it to the government. So there’s sort of this silent vote, if you will, Jean, that people may be voting for Trump but aren’t telling the pollsters. And that’s an issue here, in addition to the oversampling. So what if, I mean, you’ve got to get out and vote if you haven’t already, but people sort of reading the polls maybe have to be very careful, Jean.

Gene Valentino: Yeah, well, this is historic. At least 48 hours from now, this goes into the history books is something on several levels for us to take note of Tom’s point a minute ago on the, uh, the nature of polling in general drives to something we chatted about, and that has to do with the underwriting criteria.

Associated with polling. Is the poll being manufactured for the purpose of the candidate out of the candidates checkbook? Or is it truly an independent poll that, uh, samples with some sense of parity and [00:04:00] balance Democrats and Republicans? And to your point a second ago, how many of these Democrats? Are voting for Trump and are totally silent.

Donald Trump: Yeah. Well, here’s John Fetterman talking about how Donald Trump connects with voters in Pennsylvania, obviously a state both candidates want to win and Kamala might need to win.

John Fetterman: I’ve said the same thing in 2016. I’ve said that it’s going to be really close. I mean, there’s an issue there, and I said that it’s going to be very close in 2020.

And, of course, it was. And I’ve been saying this, whether it was Biden or then became Harris. I said, It’s gonna be very close. And and Trump definitely has a connection with voters here in Pennsylvania, and that’s why it’s gonna be close.

Bianca de la Garza: Can Harris overcome that with the time left, Tom?

Tom Basile: You know, one of the things that we’re going to be watching for, uh, as we’re ingesting all of the information tomorrow evening here at Newsmax, is what is the [00:05:00] turnout for Harris, particularly in, uh, the urban areas, which should be Democrats strongholds and and if those numbers are off, even by a few percentage points, it could be a very, very rough night for her.

So that’s one of the things we’re gonna be looking at in a state like Pennsylvania. We’re gonna be looking at, you know, inner city Philadelphia, inner city Pittsburgh to see whether or not the enthusiasm gap That we all discuss between these two candidates, whether or not that manifests itself. And again, it could be, it could be a rough night for, for, for Kamala Harris.

And remember something, the polls were wrong in 2016, uh, and Trump overperformed. They were wrong in 2020 and Trump overperformed. They were also wrong in 2022 and Democrats overperformed. So, you know, relying too much on these numbers is, uh, is very dangerous. People just need to get out and vote.

Donald Trump: And those are the numbers we’ve been tracking, which is early voting, and that is hard data.

Guys, great to see you. Gene, [00:06:00] Tom, we’ll be talking real soon. And of course, Tom will be part of our election night coverage starting tomorrow at 7 p. m. Thanks guys.


Newsmax Team Analysis – 1 Day Before Historic Results

Gene Valentino on Newsmax Newsline


  • Originally Recorded on November 4, 2024
  • America Beyond the Noise: Season 5, Episode 556
  • Image courtesy of: NEWSMAX
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