When You See Bad Behavior ~ DROP THE HAMMER! ~ What Kind of American Are You?
Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation
What do you do When You See Bad Behavior? Do you see the potential problem before us in the next 5 years? China is here. They’re infiltrating our communities on several levels. They are trying to enter military establishments. DOJ is going after patriotic sheriffs that are trying to protect their communities. The Biden Administration has perpetrated an unprecedented fraud against America. Biden has allowed 30,000 illegal Chinese immigrants to invade our southern border. Will China let us have 300,000 acres of land in their country? Will our elected officials TAKE BACK 300,000 ACRES OF LAND here in America which has been purchased by the Chinese and our foreign adversaries, land in and around our military bases? If Biden is not able to be charged for a crime for allowing this takeover to happen because of his dementia and lack of mental acuity, then he must be removed under the 25th Amendment … LONG BEFORE AN ELECTION! HOWEVER, there is a national unity, a comradery of spirit, a resurgence of Americana and patriotism, and if you have not yet felt it…YOU WILL ! This issues consuming the headlines are issues that morph into a solution. We will solve the problems of this nation. The world is watching us. They pray we fix our wrong ways in America.
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When You See Bad Behavior ~ DROP THE HAMMER! ~ What Kind of American Are You?
Welcome to the State of the Nation on today’s News Talk for Brian McClain in Central Texas. I’m Timothy Shea in Central New York.
We’ve got an expanded version of GVTV with our very good friend Gene Valentino, the irrepressible host of the GrassRoots TruthCast. You can follow him on X at Gene Valentino and on the web at GeneValentino. com and GrassRootsTruthCast. com. Gene, welcome back to State of the Nation.
Gene Valentino: Thank you, Timothy. I love that GVTV.
It’s part of the TNT family. That’s all I know.
Timothy Shea: Well, we feel like your family and always look forward to what you’re going to bring us. What do you have tonight?
Gene Valentino: Well, it’s been a crazy day. Positive news first, there is a national unity, a [00:01:00] camaraderie of spirit, a resurgence of Americana and patriotism that if you haven’t experienced it yet today or this week because of the doldrums you’re in, You will soon that’s Gino GV TV telling you straight out from my heart to yours.
I Believe that the issues that are consuming the headlines Which you’ve been reading and we’re gonna talk about which get a normal person upset on any given day our issues that are gonna morph into a solution because we’re not like a 150 plus nations on this planet We are different. We’re leaders. We set the tone, we set a direction, and we set the spirit of our moral turpitude, our standards in life.
That the rest of the world [00:02:00] follows and shame on us. Now, gentlemen, if we don’t pick it up when the going gets tough, my dad used to say, don’t tell me how you’re doing when the sun is shining and it’s bright and clear outside, tell me how you’re doing when you got a hurricane at your back door, your best friend just screwed you and life seems to have no opportunity in front of you.
Tell me how you’re doing on that kind of day. And I think before we talk about the topics, we’re different. We’re different because we’re, we stand apart from the rest of the world. It’s our human condition here in the States. That makes us different. We just have to protect ourselves and drop the hammer when we see bad behavior.
Now I’ll let you talk about it.
Bryan McClain: Well, we see a lot of bad behavior out there. Don’t we, Timothy? My goodness, the borders, the first thing on my mind today, seeing a lot of reports [00:03:00] of, uh, crime, heavy crime, terrible crimes, crimes, you know, that, that, that bring those clouds to, to one’s mind that you’re talking about there, Jean.
You know, you, you said
Gene Valentino: it, you said it perfectly, Brian. You know, there’s over 20 million, even on a conservative calculation. It’s more like 27 to 30 million. But let’s just say 20 million to keep the, to keep it real. 20 million illegals have been in this country. Have come into this country over the last several years.
9 11 on 2001 27 Saudis terrorists, Al Qaeda type insurgents got through our border. They destroyed the twin towers, the Pentagon and other and lives. That was only 27 people. Here we have 20 million people that [00:04:00] have come over this border. Let’s say 1%, now 1 percent is a pretty small percentage. Let’s say 1 percent of them are radicalized and terrorists.
Let’s just say that. Do you see the potential problem that’s brewing in the next five years? 200, 000 people that have already permeated the neighbors and the neighborhoods and villages of this nation. 350, 000 acres of land owned in and around military establishments. Of the united states just last week I’m watching a news report with over 30 000 chinese coming into this nation over there.
But do you think? China doesn’t know about 30, 000 people coming over our border. Do you think they got out of China [00:05:00] without China’s blessing? Do you think China’s border is protected? Do you think maybe ours ought to copy what do 50 percent of what China’s doing and I’ll be happy that border they have in China is, is an iron wall that prevents any, uh, exiting, unless you want to be killed.
So if 35, 000 Chinese have gotten into this nation in only the last eight months, where are they going? And what are they doing with China’s blessing? Wake up, America. It’s at our doorstep. We need to rise up, take arms and put your suit on and get ready for something you’re going to have to do to assist our local police and law enforcement agencies.
To help defend us and I hate to say it. Uh, I [00:06:00] wouldn’t recommend taking the law in your own hands But I do recommend you defend your family and your property and go all the way If you can’t push them back to the border take them out because They just killed over eight hundred thousand americans folks Over 200, 000 of it is from fentanyl just in the last several months.
It’s one thing to be ignorant about the facts. It’s another thing to be stupid when the facts hit you in the face and you choose to ignore it. Now what kind of American are you? Which one of those two types are you?
Timothy Shea: And Thomas Paine spoke so eloquently over 200 years ago about the sunshine patriot and the winter patriot.
You’re absolutely correct, and it is in our bones, Gene. [00:07:00] As for the invasion, it’s not just at our doorstep. They’re trying to break the door down. I can’t tell you everything I know, but I can tell you that this week I got three different reports of military installations being attempted to being infiltrated by Chinese nationals, and that was nationwide.
So it’s not a here or there. We’ve reported on the, the story of the Arabs trying to get into Uh, Camp Lejeune in North Carolina. And we’ve reported a couple other instances, but I got three different calls from three different people this week telling me that, yeah, it happened. Again, they’re, they tried to get in.
It’s not a, it’s not a coincidence. It’s a real and present threat. And Brian last night had an amazing conversation with Chuck Kordach from Right of Center USA. talking about how they’re going after Sheriff Richard Jones in Butler County, which [00:08:00] is Cincinnati, Ohio, because he is recommending in doing exactly what you recommended.
Getting citizens the education and the training they need to help respond with natural disasters and civil unrest, emergencies, et cetera. And DOJ is going after Sheriff Jones because, again, He’s standing with we the people and not with the fascist running our district of Columbia government.
Gene Valentino: Well, you don’t have to be a genius to see what’s happening.
The deception and dishonesty from the left, the Democrats. And this Biden administration is not in dispute anymore. They have perpetrated a fraud. Uh, my problem with the Democrats is that we are now talking about elder, elderly abuse by propping up a poor guy who has some level of dementia [00:09:00] and, uh, using him to distract your attention.
What’s the story today that made the headlines? Trump and Biden preparing for the debates, right? It’s one of the stories. And, uh, what do I care about that right now when I’ve got a border that’s being invaded? When I’ve got China taking over 300, 000 plus acres of land? Hey, I tell you what, will China let us have 300, 000 acres of land in their country?
Will they let us? Sit in their backyard, the way they’re doing here in hours, legislators need to say something bold, like when I get into office, I’m going to pass a law that remove that seizes control of all interests in the United States that are proven proven to be associated with foreign adversaries.
How about that for, for, for a law? It’s not racist. It’s not, it’s not, um, uh, unjust. If you plan on protecting America, [00:10:00] we need to move boldly now and say things that we weren’t saying just a year ago, we need to do things differently. And I see it right at our doorstep, this deep fake that we’re talking about.
I feel sorry for, for, for, um, Uh, Mr Biden, but not not because I think he’s a nice guy, but because he has some level of incapacitation if he isn’t able to be charged for for a crime by, uh, by a prosecutor her. Then he belongs in, um, visiting angels, uh, home, uh, in a nursing care facility. And, uh, regardless of the consequence of who is replacements going to be, we’re talking about a system that has to be followed.
If the guy in charge is not working or gal is not working, uh, I am
Timothy Shea: exactly correct. In fact, that, that was the best meme I saw this week. Somebody took. [00:11:00] Obama leading Biden by the hand off the stage, actually said it, Gene, to the Visiting Angels, uh, theme song, the little jingle, which was pretty funny. But yes, on a human level, nobody, let me put it this way.
I don’t take pleasure in the fact that he’s demented. However, I can’t feel sorry for the man. He’s literally spent his entire racist life sniffing children and lying. So he’s going to eventually end up having to answer for his crimes. If not here, he has to answer what he plays shoots and ladders with St.
Peter’s. We’re going to have to leave it there. Make sure you check out GeneValentino. com and the GrassRoots TruthCast. com and follow Gene on X at Gene Valentino. Gene, have a great weekend.
Gene Valentino: Thank you, gents. Appreciate it,
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When You See Bad Behavior ~ DROP THE HAMMER! ~ What Kind of American Are You?
Gene Valentino on TNT State of the Nation
- Originally Recorded on June 6, 2024
- America Beyond the Noise: Season 5, Episode 542
- Image courtesy of: TNT State of the Nation