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Dinesh D’Souza reveals Vindicating Trump with Gene Valentino
Dinesh D’Souza gave me an interview and it could not be more timely. His latest film, “Vindicating Trump” makes the case for Trump, the man and his policies. But it’s more than that. The movie reveals the repairable “rot” within our government that preceded Donald Trump, that goes back to J. Edgar Hoover and Barack Obama. This movie provides clarity, with a magical message about the ‘Deep State’ conspiracies. Donald Trump is merely an impediment to the many attempts to destroy America. Most have failed thus far. Some still need to be addressed. “Vindicating Trump” exposes the enemies of Trump. The movie breaks out character assassination, political assassination, lawfare assassination, and now two actual assassination attempts. Dinesh D’Souza brings out a side of Trump in his one-on-one interview with the 45th President, Alina Habba, his attorney, and Lara Trump, RNC Co-Chairman and daughter-in-law, in a way not seen before. Said differently, Dinesh reveals an unseen side of Donald Trump. Today, Dinesh is concerned that the conspiracy against Trump is fostered from within the divisions, departments, and agencies of our government. Dinesh helps Trump expose all of this. He says, “Trump will fumigate these entitles from government” and neutralize the “Deep State” weaponry against Republicans and conservatives. “Trump is the perfect guy for our time.” Dinesh finds himself comparing Trump to Reagan. He points out that Trump is “peculiarly-equipped” to handle the issues of today that were not an issue for Ronald Reagan. Dinesh points out that Trump came in to government and discovered corrupt agencies around him, that were not as corrupt prior. He points out that the ‘Deep State’ weaponization of government extends to all agencies of government, but particularly to our health agencies that weaponized Covid to destroy America. This signature hallmark is one of many signs of a “lawless regime”, where government itself is subverting America’s future. Dinesh emphasized, “it is important we bring in people like Pelosi and Schumer…The Democrats today are functioning like a military junta or regime…Biden was in the canoe but not steering the canoe…An unnamed gang of individuals are running the country!” Kamala Harris is now a victim of the same control. This is a MUST WATCH! (
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Dinesh D’Souza reveals “Vindicating Trump” with Gene Valentino
Chris Ruddy: [00:00:00] This is Chris Ruddy, and I love Gene Valentino’s GrassRoots TruthCast. Make sure you’re tuning in just like I do every day, every week, every minute.
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With breaking news and political commentary from a public servant, serial entrepreneur, community leader, philanthropist, and American patriot, and a darn nice guy, it’s time for the GrassRoots TruthCast, and your host, Gene Valentino.
Gene Valentino: Hi friends. Gene Valentino. And welcome to another episode on Gene Valentino’s GrassRoots TruthCast. We have guests on from all walks of life, political, social, but I’m so proud to have with me today, someone who I’m sure you recognize, Dinesh D’Souza.
Oh boy. How to describe Dinesh D’Souza. Hello, Mr. D’Souza. How are you? I’m good. I’m doing well and thanks for having me on the podcast. Our goal [00:02:00] today in the time we have is to introduce Vindicating Trump. Vindicating Trump is, I think, uh, the sixth Correct me if I’m wrong, the sixth movie or thereabouts that Dinesh D’Souza has written, co produced, uh, produced in various shapes or form.
This one brings us to the theme I hope we really get to today, Dinesh. And that’s the deep state activity which you have exposed so well in the series of episodes you’ve presented to the American citizens. And we’re going to start, folks, with the trailer on the most recent release, Vindicating Trump.
Check it out.
Somebody has to help this country, and if they don’t, the country and the world are in big trouble. Someone’s gotta overturn the tables in the temple. Trump jumping into the presidential race. She’s a bit worried. Of the apprentice guy?[00:03:00]
They fear that power. You didn’t do an insurrection, had you called for one, there would have been one. And there would be one if you called for one now. I’m not sure I want that power. I want the power just to make the country better. America first! And that scares them. A lot about Donald Trump scares them.
Let’s look at everything. Campaign, his family. Let’s get foreign eyes on him. We have one target. You know who he is. Going after their companies, their families. That is It’s a very dangerous time for our country. The goal is to put him in jail because they’re so afraid of his voice. I am your voice! We’ll bury him so deep in legal, it’ll bankrupt him.
Broke Donald. In jail right before the election. Sorry for being that guy, but isn’t that election interference? It’s not interference if we do it. We just want a free and fair election. Sounds expensive. Ballots ain’t cheap. Wait, wait, wait. Did you actually say the word buy the [00:04:00] ballots? We were able to purchase 10, 000 ballots.
That’s terrifying. They cheat in many different ways. That’s all they’re good at. Ready to save democracy? We need to stop him permanently. And that person will be risking his life. Too bad it’s not the 60s, right? It’s the way you say it. And I said, get me up. Trump has beaten back every attack against him.
He’s like the damn Terminator. We’re gonna fix our borders, and we’re gonna fix our elections. We’re gonna win. The best is yet to come.
Gene Valentino: Welcome back, folks. We’re with Dinesh D’Souza. Uh, he is a author. He’s a a political commentator. He’s a filmmaker, and he’s done so many great things. I will not call him. Because I think the charges brought against him, Dinesh, correct me if I’m wrong, were off base, out of line, [00:05:00] politically motivated, and that’s an extension of, uh, vindicating Trump, I hope you segue into.
But you’ve got seven movies out there, uh, Obama’s America, America, Imagine the World Without Her, Hillary’s America, The Secret History of the Democratic Party. Party. The death of a nation that was out in 2018. Then the one I really liked was 2000 mules and most recently released within a few weeks ago, vindicating Trump.
Let’s start with promoing vindicating Trump. What’s what’s your what’s your reason for bringing this out at this time?
Dinesh D’Souza: It’s the brand new film. It couldn’t be more timely. It couldn’t be more urgent. It makes the case for Trump, both the man and his policies. It exposes the way in which the enemies of Trump have been trying various.
forms of assassination, I’d have to say, to get him. And in the movie, I divide that into [00:06:00] character assassination. That’s how it started. Then political assassination, lawfare or legal assassination. And now two actual assassination attempts. The centerpiece of the film is a very riveting one on one conversation with Trump, in which I try to bring out a side of him that is an important part of his character.
But it’s one that he resists showing in public. He has a kind of manly aversion to showing his feelings about any sense of vulnerability, how his mind works. But I think I was able to bring all that out in a one on one dialogue with Trump. And that is right there in the film.
Gene Valentino: And I also noticed, uh, Lena Haba, uh, Donald Trump’s attorney.
Uh, a very, a very, uh, self made and renowned attorney in, in her own right. Uh, as your guest on the movie, along with Laura Trump, uh, head of the REC and together, they provided you so much [00:07:00] insight. Those two ladies, I think, and with your production and your, uh, your, your movie in general, gave insight to a side of Donald Trump.
I hope others. Have come to see he’s
Dinesh D’Souza: carefully. Yeah. I carefully picked the two of them. Melina hub, of course, talks more about the legal cases and she is able to expose the way in which these cases are. They’re really fraudulent. You know, they, if it, if the defendant was anyone else other than Trump, really, I think none of these cases would be brought with Laura Trump.
She has sort of a dual purpose. I wanted her to talk about. Trump up close and personal. Now, interestingly, she is a member of the Trump family. She’s Laura Trump, but she’s also an in law. So she has a little bit of what you could call in law objectivity. Uh, and for those reasons, I thought she’d be perfect.
Also, she happens to be the co chair of the RNC, the Republican National Committee. And one of the themes in the film, which is unavoidable these days, is, uh, The topic of election [00:08:00] fraud. Is this going to be a free and fair election? I wanted to discuss with her what the RNC can do and is doing to make sure that all the votes count in the proper way.
Gene Valentino: What do you think your success has been with these movies? I have noticed that your timing of these movies is as good as the topics. Uh, there seems to be a deep state conspiracy. That has morphed over the last 10 years in general. And that’s why it precedes Donald Trump, if you look at it, because after all, it was Obama who caused you some heartburn and Hillary didn’t help any, and it took Donald Trump to pardon you.
From the false allegations that were brought against you, uh, someone puts a gun to your head. I guess you’d admit to anything, and I, I’m deeply angered by it because as a former political official myself, Dinesh, [00:09:00] I had that experience as well. You, Donald Trump, and myself have something in common in that way, is that the unjust selective prosecution that goes on in this nation.
How do you I want to get into where we go forward with some of the solutions for this nation. And I look at your films as being so valuable in getting that, getting that message out. Your take.
Dinesh D’Souza: We work hard to make the films very topical and, um, also to have new information that people don’t know about.
Two Thousand Mules is a classic example. It just shows you what happened in the 2020 election. It doesn’t even just tell you about it. It shows you. You actually can see surveillance video. You can look at the, uh, the outcome of cell phone geotracking. In this film, we show you, there’s a section called the ballot makers and you can actually see how, you know, Easy it is, uh, to find vulnerabilities in our election system, and in this [00:10:00] particular case, actually make and reproduce an, uh, 10, 000, 100, 000 ballots.
So it’s crazy. Um, the, um, the way to make a good film, and this is why I like people to see the films in the theater if they, if they can. This film will later, of course, be in streaming, it’ll be in DVD, but if you can go in the theater, please do. The film is in theaters now, uh, in 800, uh, plus theaters. And, uh, the website is VindicatingTrump.
com If you plug in your city or your town, boom, all the theaters will come up. So see it in the theater. I think a good, um, documentary film has all the same elements as a good feature film. It has character, plot, uh, suspense, uh, climax, um, It has a powerful musical score that provides the kind of emotional underpinning of the film.
So, you know, some people think of these films as just kind of, quote, messaging. But I think you need to make the film cinematic, entertaining, moving, inspirational. And if you do all those things, you can then also include a lot [00:11:00] of messaging. But the messaging can’t be the whole of the film.
Gene Valentino: You did mention within the film the rot of the government.
Um, The movie has revealed, in my opinion, through your artistry and production, a magical message that I hope people pick up on. I’m glad you threw the plug out there on where to see the movie right now and the future streaming. But I’m concerned about What the name of the next movie is going to be. I’m thinking maybe America restored or America vindicated because we have lost our democracy, our constitutional republic.
It was General Mike Flynn, who just said earlier today on some other show, uh, that he’s, um, concerned about the next 30 days prior to this election as being pivotal, pivotal with all of the issues going on right now. Not only in the United States, but around the world. We’re, we’re, we’re sit, your, your message sits against a backdrop of what I consider a [00:12:00] deep state conspiracy to cause confusion, which makes us more vulnerable.
And your movie has led right into that. That point, what are your thoughts on that?
Dinesh D’Souza: Yeah, the reason we put the movies in the theater, by the way, is to do an end run around the media, to do an end run around digital censorship. Um, so, uh, the other thing about films is that they appeal to the head and the heart.
And so in this way, they are convincing at all, at all levels. Now, I think when Trump first came in, in 2016, he knew that the media was left wing, academia was left wing, Hollywood was left wing. I don’t think he knew that the FBI was left wing or the CIA or the military, uh, or, or for that matter, the, the people at the CDC or the NIH, in other words, the, the doctors in the white coats.
So Trump has done a great deal to now expose a lot of that, to, to make sure that a lot of these institutions have now earned our distrust. And I think in the [00:13:00] second term, we’re going to see, uh, Trump more vigorously set himself to the task. Of cleaning up these institutions, fumigating them from the top to the bottom.
And he needs good people to do that. But of course, before any of that happens, he has to get across the finish line. There’s gonna be, and there is, a desperate effort to prevent that from happening. And this film is part of the weaponry, if you will, of just trying to get the message out and show people You know, you’ll even have some Republicans who say, well, you know, I, I don’t like the guy, but I like his policies or, you know, he needs to shut his mouth.
And, and I think to myself, you know, you’re asking for a new and different Trump. And little do you realize that for this crisis, for the situation that we find ourselves in as a country, this guy is actually perfectly suited to the job. You don’t need to fix him and remake him. He has precisely the virtues that are needed.
in this dire situation. Maybe he’s not the perfect guy at every time, but he is the perfect guy for our time.
Gene Valentino: Folks, we’re so proud [00:14:00] D’Souza with us, an American citizen, formerly India, renounced his Indian citizenship because he was a proud. Uh, he became a proud American after he was an exchange student visiting us here many years.
And Dinesh, just on your background real quick, you were, uh, after you were an exchange student, you also served in the Reagan administration as an advisor, as well as some of the Trump administration. Am I correct about that?
Dinesh D’Souza: Well, what happened is in my 20s, Reagan brought a lot of young people into government.
We were part of a kind of young gang of conservatives who were in the Reagan White House. And it was a wonderful time and we learned a lot and we got to see Reagan up close. A lot of times I think I’m, I find myself comparing Reagan and Trump. And they’re similar in some ways. And yet different in other ways.
It’s, it’s almost ironic to say that Reagan was perfectly suited for the Cold War. He was the right man for that time. He would not be the right man for today. I think Trump in that way is [00:15:00] better suited. We almost like we need a sort of a wartime general. And Trump is in a way, uh, equipped, peculiarly equipped for that task.
And, and we saw with the two assassination attempts, the level of sublime courage that this man displays instinctively, without any kind of preparation or rehearsal. It’s already become downright legendary.
Gene Valentino: Yeah, and we saw that on the recent assassination attempt, standing up, uh, with, uh, vociferous tones coming out with, uh, indignation and saying, fight, fight, fight.
Speaking of that, your point’s perfectly made about the distinction between the Reagan administration and the Trump administration. Two different characters for two different times. And, uh, At that time, Ronald Reagan didn’t have this. You may recall this. This is the front page of the New York Post, March 2022, Spies Who Lie.
And in this, uh, heading is not all 51 co conspirators who signed a fallacious document saying, [00:16:00] uh, uh, that it was a, the, the, the, The Hunter Biden computer was a Russian hoax. Instead, they all intentionally lied as part of a conspiracy that Ronald Reagan didn’t have to deal with. I mean, Ronald Reagan didn’t deal with this, this sort of distinction and, um, what it takes today to defend democracy and, um, and government.
The survival of our democracy leads to my point I mentioned earlier. Do you sense a transition, an intention, a deep state intention, the George Soros’s, the Bill Gates’s, I could name six more, that are strategizing to take our democracy away from us? Because the Trump problems you vindicate, you show well and vindicate him for in the movie, uh, the problems of us preceded Donald Trump.
Your take.
Dinesh D’Souza: Absolutely. I think that, uh, two things about the, the kind of police state apparatus that you [00:17:00] just alluded to. One is, a lot of those guys liked Reagan, and the reason they liked Reagan is we were in the middle of a Cold War. There was massive spending on the military. You gotta remember, so the war machine, in other words, was being heavily fed, uh, under Reagan.
And many of us thought, at the time, it was completely justified. But my point is, we weren’t threatening this part of the military establishment at all. Trump is. Because Trump’s come along and said, basically, look, Iran, Afghanistan, now Ukraine, that’s not the same as the old Soviet Union. We are, our interests are different now.
This is the post Cold War era. We don’t need to be constantly going in search of sort of new monsters to destroy. And as a result, a lot of people who were in the Reagan camp and supportive of Reagan have turned against Trump. That’s one thing. The second factor, I think, is the Obama factor. And that is, Obama came in with the very malevolent intention of corrupting these agencies and weaponizing them.
I might have been one of the first targets. In fact, at the time, I didn’t [00:18:00] realize it. I didn’t know that my My little case involving campaign finance reform was a prelude to what would happen to Carter Page, Papadopoulos, Michael Flynn, now, of course, Trump. Uh, but looking back, it was, um, the kind of early tracker, uh, of what has now become a, um, an absolute, uh, weaponization of government at so many different levels, uh, and has spread even to institutions like, like the health authorities as we saw under COVID.
Gene Valentino: Yeah. And, um, it has spread further in, uh, in, uh, in, in retaliation intended by the Biden administration against Mayor Adams, who says, Hey, I just can’t take any more immigrants anymore. And as a result, he might, he might have been not the pure saint over 10 years. Uh, of campaigning and in politics, but only now it’s revealed that he has had some campaign violation [00:19:00] issues that are now under, uh, under question.
Dinesh D’Souza: yeah, it’s worth pointing out. It’s worth pointing out that that is a signature hallmark of a police state because in a police state. The actual crimes you do don’t matter, right? There’s only one type of crime, and that is saying something that goes against the narrative of the regime. And so that’s the point.
From the point of view of the Biden Harris regime, Eric Adams became a criminal when he challenged them. Until then, whatever crimes he did were perfectly okay. In fact, they would have covered up for him had he been on the other side of that issue. So this is what you call a lawless regime. In the film, we talk about how Abraham Lincoln, in one of his early speeches called the Lyceum speech, sort of predicted this.
He said, You will see mass lawlessness in America, and you will see a regime that exploits and takes advantage of that and tries to manipulate that to subvert our constitutional republic. Now, the left says the threat is coming from Trump, uh, but no, I mean, what did Trump do that was [00:20:00] tyrannical in his term in office?
Nothing. So, the tyrannical elements of censorship, political targeting, uh, Criminalization of political differences, trying to get rid of the leader of the opposition party. All of that is coming from the Democrats and from the
Gene Valentino: left. Yeah, but it’s interesting you pointed out just in that segment on, on Lincoln, that it’s both Lincoln and Trump that agreed that this had to happen outside the unilateral control or terror, tyrannical authority.
of a leader. Rather, it should come from a constitutional amendment or a statutory change at large, not from the actions of one tyrant, if you will. And I think you brought that distinction out perfectly in the movie. Whereas today, you’ve got a Nancy Pelosi tearing up a speech at a State of the Union message, thinking that there’s some sort of authority vested in her that distinguishes That, uh, that takes away that [00:21:00] quashes the merits of Donald Trump’s speech.
Isn’t it the same person? I hope we talk about this again in the future. If not, if not today, that that same person was approached with cash Patel. Hey, Nancy, we need 20, 000, uh, national guard at the Capitol. We’re concerned about the tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, only to then accuse him a day later.
Trump that is of a alleged insurrection that he fostered. Well, how would a person be fostering an insurrection if, in fact, he was trying to prevent it from happening two days early, earlier, and Pelosi shut it down, wouldn’t cooperate with Kash Patel’s request on behalf of Trump? Your comment?
Dinesh D’Souza: Yeah, I agree with all this.
I also think it’s, it is correct to bring in people like Pelosi and Schumer here. And here’s why. The Democrats these days are functioning as a junta or as a regime. It’s quite obvious that Biden, for example, although he was the figurehead. For the past four years, [00:22:00] wasn’t really running things. He was in the canoe, but he wasn’t steering the canoe.
It’s almost like the Democrats said to Biden, Hey, listen, you won’t have a primary. We’ll move you to the front, but you’re going to be at our beck and call. You say what we tell you to say, and if at some time we find it necessary to move you out of the picture, You’re out of here. You hit the eject button.
And I think Kamala Harris has come in on the same deal. No real primary. They moved her to the front. And, uh, they’re gonna tell her what to say and what to do. And if she becomes inconvenient to them at some point, then she’s gotta go with a smile. So, in a weird way, we’re in a country now. We don’t really even know who’s running the country because it’s an unnamed gang of individuals.
And it looks like that’s going to continue if the Democrats get across the finish line for the next four years. We’ll
Gene Valentino: I can’t agree with you more. I’m concerned, Dinesh, that the way Kamala has been brought to the forefront, you know, I don’t approve of Biden or anything he stands [00:23:00] for, and certainly his performance speaks for itself.
But the problem with the process is that Biden got approved of by some 14, 15 million votes to a primary process nationwide, whereas Kamala just got propped up by the two names you mentioned earlier. Schumer and Pelosi. And the six to 10 others behind him. Uh, I know we’re out of time. Would you just give a plug one more time for Vindicating Trump?
And then let’s, let’s close. Go ahead.
Dinesh D’Souza: It’s a movie that you got to see and see it in the theater. If you can, it’ll be in the theater for probably another week to 10 days. The website is vindicatingtrump. com. Uh, you plug in your city or town and the theaters will pop right up. The other thing is there’s a book of the same title that’s coming out very shortly.
And you can pre order it now. You can certainly do that from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, but you can also order it from the same website, VindicatingTrump. com.
Gene Valentino: And he hasn’t agreed to it yet, folks, but I hope his next [00:24:00] movie is, uh, America Restored. How we bring all this down. Deep state bad behavior of which Donald Trump is only a piece of the overall wrongdoing, uh, how we restore America to what many patriots are pushing hard to protect and defend.
Folks, you’re looking at one of those patriots right here on the screen with me, Dinesh D’Souza. Thank you for joining me today on the GrassRoots TruthCast. I’d love to have you back again. This is the tip of the iceberg, as you know, but we wanted a strong plug out there for vindicating Trump. I hope we did that for you.
Certainly, and thank you very much. Thank you, everybody, for joining us on another episode of Gene Valentino’s GrassRoots TruthCast with Dinesh D’Souza. See you again soon.
Thanks for joining us for Gene Valentino’s GrassRoots TruthCast. Be sure to like and subscribe and [00:25:00] God bless America.
Dinesh D’Souza reveals Vindicating Trump with Gene Valentino
on the GrassRoots TruthCast with Gene Valentino
‣ Originally Recorded on October 3, 2024
‣ GrassRoots TruthCast: Season 2, Episode 262
‣ Image courtesy of: